S Price: $0.410909 (+0.09%)

Sonic Token Approval

Review and revoke your token approvals for any dApp. For more information, check out our Knowledge Base article.

$0.00 at risk

Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender Original Allowance
2025-01-29 12:26:56 UnlimitedSonicWifHat
2025-01-26 10:05:45 UnlimitedxSHADOW
2025-01-25 19:37:17 616.987296 USDC.e
2025-01-25 17:07:35 8,000,000,000 stS
2025-01-25 16:14:04 134.24855211541111821 DERP
2025-01-25 10:26:48 UnlimitedWETH
2025-01-25 09:01:39 11.523875943623266844 SWPx
2025-01-25 08:33:15 8.172554 scUSD
2025-01-25 03:42:47 3.786562463765014844 wS
2025-01-25 03:29:35 3,000 USDC.e
2025-01-24 23:27:39 632 SWPx
2025-01-24 21:42:14 1,399.146829200743017957 lWagmi
2025-01-24 20:42:33 49.916141309841074099 Anon
2025-01-24 19:48:23 0.6916645943467309 WETH
2025-01-24 06:54:16 8,000,000,000 IV-SWAPX-23-WETH-wS
2025-01-24 04:24:50 3,000 USDC.e
2025-01-24 04:02:52 2.111 wS
2025-01-23 14:23:44 2,000 wS
2025-01-22 22:13:07 5.197445146964264395 Anon
2025-01-22 21:00:44 UnlimitedxSHADOW
2025-01-22 17:46:14 100.000395 stkscUSD
2025-01-22 14:42:44 UnlimitedwS

The Token Approvals page lists contracts that have been approved to spend an address’s tokens. The at risk amount shows what is vulnerable if the contracts were hacked. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.