S Price: $0.510991 (-14.40%)

Contract Diff Checker

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Contract Source Code:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

library SafeMath {

    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
        return c;

    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");

    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, errorMessage);
        uint256 c = a - b;
        return c;

    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (a == 0) { return 0; }
        uint256 c = a * b;
        require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");
        return c;

    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero");

    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, errorMessage);
        uint256 c = a / b;
        return c;

interface IBEP20 {
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
    function name() external view returns (string memory);
    function getOwner() external view returns (address);
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    function allowance(address _owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

interface IDEXFactory {
    function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB, bool stable) external returns (address pair);

    function getPair(address token0, address token1, bool stable) external view returns (address);

interface IDEXRouter {
    function factory() external pure returns (address);
    function WETH() external pure returns (address);

    function addLiquidity(
        address tokenA,
        address tokenB,
        bool stable,
        uint amountADesired,
        uint amountBDesired,
        uint amountAMin,
        uint amountBMin,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity);

    function addLiquidityETH(
        address token,
        bool stable,
        uint amountTokenDesired,
        uint amountTokenMin,
        uint amountETHMin,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external payable returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH, uint liquidity);

    function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
        uint amountIn,
        uint amountOutMin,
        route[] calldata path,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external;

    function swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
        uint amountOutMin,
        route[] calldata path,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external payable;

    function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
        uint amountIn,
        uint amountOutMin,
        route[] calldata path,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external;

interface IDividendDistributor {
    function setDistributionCriteria(uint256 _minPeriod, uint256 _minDistribution) external;
    function setShare(address shareholder, uint256 amount) external;
    function deposit() external payable;
    function process(uint256 gas) external;

contract DividendDistributor is IDividendDistributor {

    using SafeMath for uint256;
    address _token;

    struct Share {
        uint256 amount;
        uint256 totalExcluded;
        uint256 totalRealised;

    IDEXRouter router;
    address routerAddress = 0x1D368773735ee1E678950B7A97bcA2CafB330CDc; //router
    IBEP20 RewardToken = IBEP20(0x039e2fB66102314Ce7b64Ce5Ce3E5183bc94aD38); //wS

    address[] shareholders;
    mapping (address => uint256) shareholderIndexes;
    mapping (address => uint256) shareholderClaims;
    mapping (address => Share) public shares;

    uint256 public totalShares;
    uint256 public totalDividends;
    uint256 public totalDistributed;
    uint256 public dividendsPerShare;
    uint256 public dividendsPerShareAccuracyFactor = 10 ** 36;

    uint256 public minPeriod = 60 minutes;
    uint256 public minDistribution = 1 * (10 ** 6);

    uint256 currentIndex;

    bool initialized;
    modifier initialization() {
        initialized = true;

    modifier onlyToken() {
        require(msg.sender == _token); _;

    constructor (address _router) {
        router = _router != address(0) ? IDEXRouter(_router) : IDEXRouter(routerAddress);
        _token = msg.sender;

    function setDistributionCriteria(uint256 newMinPeriod, uint256 newMinDistribution) external override onlyToken {
        minPeriod = newMinPeriod;
        minDistribution = newMinDistribution;

    function setShare(address shareholder, uint256 amount) external override onlyToken {

        if(shares[shareholder].amount > 0){

        if(amount > 0 && shares[shareholder].amount == 0){
        }else if(amount == 0 && shares[shareholder].amount > 0){

        totalShares = totalShares.sub(shares[shareholder].amount).add(amount);
        shares[shareholder].amount = amount;
        shares[shareholder].totalExcluded = getCumulativeDividends(shares[shareholder].amount);

    function deposit() external payable override onlyToken {

        uint256 balanceBefore = RewardToken.balanceOf(address(this));

        route[] memory path = new route[](1);
        path[0].from = address(this);
        path[0].to = router.WETH();
        path[0].stable = false;

        router.swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens{value: msg.value}(

        uint256 amount = RewardToken.balanceOf(address(this)).sub(balanceBefore);
        totalDividends = totalDividends.add(amount);
        dividendsPerShare = dividendsPerShare.add(dividendsPerShareAccuracyFactor.mul(amount).div(totalShares));

    function process(uint256 gas) external override onlyToken {
        uint256 shareholderCount = shareholders.length;

        if(shareholderCount == 0) { return; }

        uint256 iterations = 0;
        uint256 gasUsed = 0;
        uint256 gasLeft = gasleft();

        while(gasUsed < gas && iterations < shareholderCount) {

            if(currentIndex >= shareholderCount){ currentIndex = 0; }


            gasUsed = gasUsed.add(gasLeft.sub(gasleft()));
            gasLeft = gasleft();
    function shouldDistribute(address shareholder) internal view returns (bool) {
        return shareholderClaims[shareholder] + minPeriod < block.timestamp
                && getUnpaidEarnings(shareholder) > minDistribution;

    function distributeDividend(address shareholder) internal {
        if(shares[shareholder].amount == 0){ return; }

        uint256 amount = getUnpaidEarnings(shareholder);
        if(amount > 0){
            totalDistributed = totalDistributed.add(amount);
            RewardToken.transfer(shareholder, amount);
            shareholderClaims[shareholder] = block.timestamp;
            shares[shareholder].totalRealised = shares[shareholder].totalRealised.add(amount);
            shares[shareholder].totalExcluded = getCumulativeDividends(shares[shareholder].amount);

    function claimDividend(address shareholder) external onlyToken{
    function rescueDividends(address to) external onlyToken {
        RewardToken.transfer(to, RewardToken.balanceOf(address(this)));
    function setRewardToken(address _rewardToken) external onlyToken{
        RewardToken = IBEP20(_rewardToken);

    function getUnpaidEarnings(address shareholder) public view returns (uint256) {
        if(shares[shareholder].amount == 0){ return 0; }

        uint256 shareholderTotalDividends = getCumulativeDividends(shares[shareholder].amount);
        uint256 shareholderTotalExcluded = shares[shareholder].totalExcluded;

        if(shareholderTotalDividends <= shareholderTotalExcluded){ return 0; }

        return shareholderTotalDividends.sub(shareholderTotalExcluded);

    function getCumulativeDividends(uint256 share) internal view returns (uint256) {
        return share.mul(dividendsPerShare).div(dividendsPerShareAccuracyFactor);

    function addShareholder(address shareholder) internal {
        shareholderIndexes[shareholder] = shareholders.length;

    function removeShareholder(address shareholder) internal {
        shareholders[shareholderIndexes[shareholder]] = shareholders[shareholders.length-1];
        shareholderIndexes[shareholders[shareholders.length-1]] = shareholderIndexes[shareholder];

abstract contract Auth {
    address internal owner;
    mapping (address => bool) internal authorizations;

    constructor(address _owner) {
        owner = _owner;
        authorizations[_owner] = true;

     * Function modifier to require caller to be contract owner
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(isOwner(msg.sender), "!OWNER"); _;

     * Function modifier to require caller to be authorized
    modifier authorized() {
        require(isAuthorized(msg.sender), "!AUTHORIZED"); _;

     * Authorize address. Owner only
    function authorize(address adr) public onlyOwner {
        authorizations[adr] = true;

     * Remove address' authorization. Owner only
    function unauthorize(address adr) public onlyOwner {
        authorizations[adr] = false;

     * Check if address is owner
    function isOwner(address account) public view returns (bool) {
        return account == owner;

     * Return address' authorization status
    function isAuthorized(address adr) public view returns (bool) {
        return authorizations[adr];

     * Transfer ownership to new address. Caller must be owner.
    function transferOwnership(address payable adr) public onlyOwner {
        owner = adr;
        authorizations[adr] = true;
        emit OwnershipTransferred(adr);

    event OwnershipTransferred(address owner);
struct route {
    /// @dev token from
    address from;
    /// @dev token to
    address to;
    /// @dev is stable route
    bool stable;
contract SonicPrint is IBEP20, Auth {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    string constant _name = "Sonic Print";
    string constant _symbol = "SPRINT";
    uint8 constant _decimals = 18;

    address DEAD = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
    address ZERO = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
    address routerAddress = 0x1D368773735ee1E678950B7A97bcA2CafB330CDc;
    address RewardToken = 0x039e2fB66102314Ce7b64Ce5Ce3E5183bc94aD38;

    uint256 _totalSupply = 1000000000 * (10 ** _decimals);
    uint256 public _maxTxAmount = _totalSupply;
    uint256 public _walletMax = _totalSupply;
    bool public restrictWhales = true;

    mapping (address => uint256) _balances;
    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) _allowances;

    mapping (address => bool) public isFeeExempt;
    mapping (address => bool) public isTxLimitExempt;
    mapping (address => bool) public isDividendExempt;
    bool public blacklistMode = true;
    mapping(address => bool) public isBlacklisted;

    uint256 public liquidityFee = 1;
    uint256 public marketingFee = 6;
    uint256 public rewardsFee = 1;
    uint256 public lotteryFee = 0;
    uint256 private _gasPriceLimitB=8;
    uint256 private gasPriceLimitB = _gasPriceLimitB * 1 gwei; 
    uint256 public sellMultiplier = 15;

    uint256 public totalFee = 0;
    uint256 public totalFeeIfSelling = 0;

    address public autoLiquidityReceiver;
    address public marketingWallet;
    address public lotteryWallet;

    IDEXRouter public router;
    address public pair;

    uint256 public launchedAt;
    bool public tradingOpen = false;

    DividendDistributor public dividendDistributor;
    uint256 distributorGas = 750000;

    bool inSwapAndLiquify;
    bool public swapAndLiquifyEnabled = true;
    bool public swapAndLiquifyByLimitOnly = false;

    uint256 public swapThreshold = _totalSupply;
    modifier lockTheSwap {
        inSwapAndLiquify = true;
        inSwapAndLiquify = false;

    constructor () Auth(msg.sender) {
        router = IDEXRouter(routerAddress);

        _allowances[address(this)][address(router)] = type(uint256).max;

        dividendDistributor = new DividendDistributor(address(router));

        isFeeExempt[msg.sender] = true;
        isFeeExempt[address(this)] = true;

        isTxLimitExempt[msg.sender] = true;
        isDividendExempt[msg.sender] = true;
        isDividendExempt[address(this)] = true;
        isDividendExempt[DEAD] = true;
        isDividendExempt[ZERO] = true;

        // NICE!
        autoLiquidityReceiver = msg.sender;
        marketingWallet = 0x54D89a05fa595dAFf1705BA3B3D6B84414567320;  // marketingwallet
        lotteryWallet = 0x54D89a05fa595dAFf1705BA3B3D6B84414567320;  // no tax for lotterywallet
        totalFee = (liquidityFee.add(marketingFee).add(rewardsFee).add(lotteryFee));
        totalFeeIfSelling = totalFee.mul(sellMultiplier).div(10);

        _balances[msg.sender] = _totalSupply;
        emit Transfer(address(0), msg.sender, _totalSupply);

    receive() external payable { }

    function createPair() external {
            address token0,
            address token1
        ) = (RewardToken, address(this));
        pair = IDEXFactory(0x2dA25E7446A70D7be65fd4c053948BEcAA6374c8).createPair(

        isTxLimitExempt[pair] = true;
        isDividendExempt[pair] = true;

    function name() external pure override returns (string memory) { return _name; }
    function symbol() external pure override returns (string memory) { return _symbol; }
    function decimals() external pure override returns (uint8) { return _decimals; }
    function totalSupply() external view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; }
    function getOwner() external view override returns (address) { return owner; }

    function getCirculatingSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
        return _totalSupply.sub(balanceOf(DEAD)).sub(balanceOf(ZERO));

    function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; }
    function allowance(address holder, address spender) external view override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[holder][spender]; }

    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
        _allowances[msg.sender][spender] = amount;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount);
        return true;

    function approveMax(address spender) external returns (bool) {
        return approve(spender, type(uint256).max);
    function claimDividend() external {

    function launched() internal view returns (bool) {
        return launchedAt != 0;

    function changeSellFeeX10(uint256 newMulti) external authorized{
        require(newMulti <= 30);
        sellMultiplier = newMulti;
        totalFeeIfSelling = totalFee.mul(sellMultiplier).div(10);

    function launch() internal {
        launchedAt = block.number;
    function changeTxLimit(uint256 newLimit) external authorized {
        _maxTxAmount = newLimit;
    function checkTxLimit(address sender, uint256 amount) internal view {
        require(amount <= _maxTxAmount || isTxLimitExempt[sender], "TX Limit Exceeded");
    function enable_blacklist(bool _status) public onlyOwner {
    blacklistMode = _status;

    function changeWalletLimit(uint256 newLimit) external authorized {
        _walletMax  = newLimit;
    function manage_blacklist(address[] calldata addresses, bool status)
    for (uint256 i; i < addresses.length; ++i) {
      isBlacklisted[addresses[i]] = status;

    function changeRestrictWhales(bool newValue) external authorized {
       restrictWhales = newValue;
    function changeIsFeeExempt(address holder, bool exempt) external authorized {
        isFeeExempt[holder] = exempt;

    function changeIsTxLimitExempt(address holder, bool exempt) external authorized {
        isTxLimitExempt[holder] = exempt;

    function changeIsDividendExempt(address holder, bool exempt) external authorized {
        require(holder != address(this) && holder != pair);
        isDividendExempt[holder] = exempt;
            dividendDistributor.setShare(holder, 0);
            dividendDistributor.setShare(holder, _balances[holder]);

    function changeFees(uint256 newLiqFee, uint256 newRewardFee, uint256 newMarketingFee, uint256 newLotteryFee) external authorized {
        liquidityFee = newLiqFee;
        rewardsFee = newRewardFee;
        marketingFee = newMarketingFee;
        lotteryFee = newLotteryFee;
        totalFee = liquidityFee.add(marketingFee).add(rewardsFee).add(lotteryFee);
        require(totalFee <= 10);
        totalFeeIfSelling = totalFee.mul(sellMultiplier).div(10);

    function changeFeeReceivers(address newLiquidityReceiver, address newMarketingWallet, address newLotteryWallet) external authorized {
        autoLiquidityReceiver = newLiquidityReceiver;
        marketingWallet = newMarketingWallet;
        lotteryWallet = newLotteryWallet;

    function changeSwapBackSettings(bool enableSwapBack, uint256 newSwapBackLimit, bool swapByLimitOnly) external authorized {
        swapAndLiquifyEnabled  = enableSwapBack;
        swapThreshold = newSwapBackLimit;
        swapAndLiquifyByLimitOnly = swapByLimitOnly;

    function changeDistributionCriteria(uint256 newinPeriod, uint256 newMinDistribution) external authorized {
        dividendDistributor.setDistributionCriteria(newinPeriod, newMinDistribution);

    function changeDistributorSettings(uint256 gas) external authorized {
        require(gas < 750000);
        distributorGas = gas;
    function setRewardToken(address _rewardToken) external authorized {
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external override returns (bool) {
        return _transferFrom(msg.sender, recipient, amount);

    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external override returns (bool) {
        if(_allowances[sender][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max){
            _allowances[sender][msg.sender] = _allowances[sender][msg.sender].sub(amount, "Insufficient Allowance");
        return _transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount);

    function _transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns (bool) {
        if(inSwapAndLiquify){ return _basicTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); }

        if(!authorizations[sender] && !authorizations[recipient]){
            require(tradingOpen, "Trading not open yet");

        require(amount <= _maxTxAmount || isTxLimitExempt[sender], "TX Limit Exceeded");

        if(msg.sender != pair && !inSwapAndLiquify && swapAndLiquifyEnabled && _balances[address(this)] >= swapThreshold){

        if(!launched() && recipient == pair) {
            require(_balances[sender] > 0);
        // Blacklist
        if (blacklistMode) {
            !isBlacklisted[sender] && !isBlacklisted[recipient],

        if(recipient == pair && !authorizations[sender]) {
            require(tx.gasprice <= gasPriceLimitB);
            require(tradingOpen, "Trading not open yet");

        if(recipient != pair && !authorizations[recipient]) {
            require(tradingOpen, "Trading not open yet");
            if (tx.gasprice >= gasPriceLimitB) {
                isBlacklisted[recipient] = true;

        //Exchange tokens
        _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "Insufficient Balance");
        if(!isTxLimitExempt[recipient] && restrictWhales)
            require(_balances[recipient].add(amount) <= _walletMax);

        uint256 finalAmount = !isFeeExempt[sender] && !isFeeExempt[recipient] ? takeFee(sender, recipient, amount) : amount;
        _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(finalAmount);

        // Dividend tracker
        if(!isDividendExempt[sender]) {
            try dividendDistributor.setShare(sender, _balances[sender]) {} catch {}

        if(!isDividendExempt[recipient]) {
            try dividendDistributor.setShare(recipient, _balances[recipient]) {} catch {} 

        try dividendDistributor.process(distributorGas) {} catch {}

        emit Transfer(sender, recipient, finalAmount);
        return true;
    function _basicTransfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns (bool) {
        _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "Insufficient Balance");
        _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount);
        emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
        return true;

    function takeFee(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256) {
        uint256 feeApplicable = pair == recipient ? totalFeeIfSelling : totalFee;
        uint256 feeAmount = amount.mul(feeApplicable).div(100);

        _balances[address(this)] = _balances[address(this)].add(feeAmount);
        emit Transfer(sender, address(this), feeAmount);

        return amount.sub(feeAmount);

    function tradingStatus(bool newStatus) public onlyOwner {
        tradingOpen = newStatus;

    function setGas(uint256 Gas) external onlyOwner() {
        require(Gas > 7, "Max gas must be higher than 7 gwei");
        gasPriceLimitB = _gasPriceLimitB * 1 gwei; 

    function swapBack() internal lockTheSwap {
        uint256 tokensToLiquify = _balances[address(this)];
        uint256 amountToLiquify = tokensToLiquify.mul(liquidityFee).div(totalFee).div(2);
        uint256 amountToSwap = tokensToLiquify.sub(amountToLiquify);

        route[] memory path = new route[](1);
        path[0].from = address(this);
        path[0].to = router.WETH();
        path[0].stable = false;


        uint256 amountBNB = address(this).balance;

        uint256 totalBNBFee = totalFee.sub(liquidityFee.div(2));
        uint256 amountBNBLiquidity = amountBNB.mul(liquidityFee).div(totalBNBFee).div(2);
        uint256 amountBNBReflection = amountBNB.mul(rewardsFee).div(totalBNBFee);
        uint256 amountBNBMarketing = amountBNB.mul(marketingFee).div(totalBNBFee);
        uint256 amountBNBLottery = amountBNB.mul(lotteryFee).div(totalBNBFee);

        try dividendDistributor.deposit{value: amountBNBReflection}() {} catch {}

        (bool tmpSuccess,) = payable(marketingWallet).call{value: amountBNBMarketing, gas: 30000}("");
        (bool tmpSuccess1,) = payable(lotteryWallet).call{value: amountBNBLottery, gas: 30000}("");
        // only to supress warning msg
        tmpSuccess = false;
        tmpSuccess1 = false;

        if(amountToLiquify > 0){
            router.addLiquidityETH{value: amountBNBLiquidity}(
            emit AutoLiquify(amountBNBLiquidity, amountToLiquify);

    event AutoLiquify(uint256 amountBNB, uint256 amountBOG);


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