Contract Name:
Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : CurveTwocryptoSwapFactoryHandler
# pragma version 0.3.10
# pragma evm-version paris
@title CurveTwocryptoSwapFactoryHandler
@custom:version 1.1.0
@author Curve.Fi
@license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2020-2024 - all rights reserved
@notice TwocryptoSwap Factory Handler for the MetaRegistry
version: public(constant(String[8])) = "1.1.0"
interface BaseRegistry:
def find_pool_for_coins(_from: address, _to: address, i: uint256 = 0) -> address: view
def get_coin_indices(_pool: address, _from: address, _to: address) -> (uint256, uint256): view
def get_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_COINS]: view
def get_coins(_pool: address) -> address[MAX_COINS]: view
def get_decimals(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_COINS]: view
def get_gauge(_pool: address) -> address: view
def get_n_coins(_pool: address) -> uint256: view
def get_token(_pool: address) -> address: view
def pool_count() -> uint256: view
def pool_list(pool_id: uint256) -> address: view
interface TricryptoNG:
def adjustment_step() -> uint256: view
def ADMIN_FEE() -> uint256: view
def allowed_extra_profit() -> uint256: view
def A() -> uint256: view
def balances(i: uint256) -> uint256: view
def D() -> uint256: view
def fee() -> uint256: view
def fee_gamma() -> uint256: view
def gamma() -> uint256: view
def get_virtual_price() -> uint256: view
def ma_time() -> uint256: view
def mid_fee() -> uint256: view
def out_fee() -> uint256: view
def virtual_price() -> uint256: view
def xcp_profit() -> uint256: view
def xcp_profit_a() -> uint256: view
interface ERC20:
def name() -> String[64]: view
def balanceOf(_addr: address) -> uint256: view
def totalSupply() -> uint256: view
def decimals() -> uint256: view
interface GaugeController:
def gauge_types(gauge: address) -> int128: view
def gauges(i: uint256) -> address: view
interface Gauge:
def is_killed() -> bool: view
# ---- constants ---- #
MAX_COINS: constant(uint256) = 2
MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS: constant(uint256) = 8
MAX_POOLS: constant(uint256) = 65536
N_COINS: constant(uint256) = 2
# ---- storage variables ---- #
base_registry: public(BaseRegistry)
# ---- constructor ---- #
def __init__(_registry_address: address):
self.base_registry = BaseRegistry(_registry_address)
# ---- internal methods ---- #
def _pad_uint_array(_array: uint256[MAX_COINS]) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
_padded_array: uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] = empty(uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS])
for i in range(MAX_COINS):
_padded_array[i] = _array[i]
return _padded_array
def _get_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
return self._pad_uint_array(self.base_registry.get_balances(_pool))
def _get_coins(_pool: address) -> address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
_coins: address[MAX_COINS] = self.base_registry.get_coins(_pool)
_padded_coins: address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] = empty(address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS])
for i in range(MAX_COINS):
_padded_coins[i] = _coins[i]
return _padded_coins
def _get_decimals(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
return self._pad_uint_array(self.base_registry.get_decimals(_pool))
def _is_registered(_pool: address) -> bool:
return self._get_coins(_pool)[0] != empty(address)
def _find_pool_for_coins(_from: address, _to: address, i: uint256) -> address:
success: bool = False
response: Bytes[32] = b""
success, response = raw_call(
convert(_from, bytes32),
convert(_to, bytes32),
convert(i, bytes32)
if success:
return convert(response, address)
return empty(address)
# ---- view methods (API) of the contract ---- #
def find_pool_for_coins(_from: address, _to: address, i: uint256 = 0) -> address:
@notice checks if either of the two coins are in a base pool and then checks
if the basepool lp token and the other coin have a pool.
This is done because the factory does not have `underlying` methods in
pools that have a basepool lp token in them
@param _from Address of the _from coin
@param _to Address of the _to coin
@param i Index of the pool to return
@return Address of the pool
return self._find_pool_for_coins(_from, _to, i)
def get_admin_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the balances of the admin tokens of the given pool
@dev Cryptoswap pools do not store admin fees in the form of
admin token balances. Instead, the admin fees are computed
at the time of claim iff sufficient profits have been made.
These fees are allocated to the admin by minting LP tokens
(dilution). The logic to calculate fees are derived from
cryptopool._claim_admin_fees() method.
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of admin balances
xcp_profit: uint256 = TricryptoNG(_pool).xcp_profit()
xcp_profit_a: uint256 = TricryptoNG(_pool).xcp_profit_a()
admin_fee: uint256 = TricryptoNG(_pool).ADMIN_FEE()
admin_balances: uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] = empty(uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS])
# admin balances are non zero if pool has made more than allowed profits:
if xcp_profit > xcp_profit_a:
# calculate admin fees in lp token amounts:
fees: uint256 = (xcp_profit - xcp_profit_a) * admin_fee / (2 * 10**10)
if fees > 0:
vprice: uint256 = TricryptoNG(_pool).virtual_price()
frac: uint256 = vprice * 10**18 / (vprice - fees) - 10**18
# the total supply of lp token is current supply + claimable:
lp_token_total_supply: uint256 = ERC20(_pool).totalSupply()
d_supply: uint256 = lp_token_total_supply * frac / 10**18
lp_token_total_supply += d_supply
admin_lp_frac: uint256 = d_supply * 10 ** 18 / lp_token_total_supply
# get admin balances in individual assets:
reserves: uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] = self._get_balances(_pool)
admin_balances[i] = admin_lp_frac * reserves[i] / 10 ** 18
return admin_balances
def get_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the balances of the tokens of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of balances
return self._get_balances(_pool)
def get_base_pool(_pool: address) -> address:
@notice Returns the base pool of the given pool
@dev Returns empty(address) if the pool isn't a metapool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return Address of the base pool
return empty(address)
def get_coin_indices(_pool: address, _from: address, _to: address) -> (uint256, uint256, bool):
@notice Convert coin addresses to indices for use with pool methods
@param _pool Address of the pool
@param _from Address of the from coin
@param _to Address of the to coin
@return (uint256, uint256, bool) Tuple of indices of the coins in the pool,
and whether the market is an underlying market or not.
i: uint256 = 0
j: uint256 = 0
(i, j) = self.base_registry.get_coin_indices(_pool, _from, _to)
return (i, j, False)
def get_coins(_pool: address) -> address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the coins of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of coins
return self._get_coins(_pool)
def get_decimals(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the decimals of the coins in a given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of decimals
return self._get_decimals(_pool)
def get_fees(_pool: address) -> uint256[10]:
@notice Returns the fees of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256[10] Array of fees. Fees are arranged as:
1. swap fee (or `fee`)
2. admin fee
3. mid fee (fee when cryptoswap pool is pegged)
4. out fee (fee when cryptoswap pool depegs)
fees: uint256[10] = empty(uint256[10])
pool_fees: uint256[4] = [
for i in range(4):
fees[i] = pool_fees[i]
return fees
def get_lp_token(_pool: address) -> address:
@notice Returns the Liquidity Provider token of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return Address of the Liquidity Provider token
return _pool
def get_n_coins(_pool: address) -> uint256:
@notice Returns the number of coins in the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256 Number of coins
return 2
def get_n_underlying_coins(_pool: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the number of underlying coins in a pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256 Number of underlying coins
return 2
def get_pool_asset_type(_pool: address) -> uint256:
@notice Returns the asset type of the given pool
@dev Returns 4: 0 = USD, 1 = ETH, 2 = BTC, 3 = Other
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256 Asset type
return 3
def get_pool_from_lp_token(_lp_token: address) -> address:
@notice Returns the pool of the given Liquidity Provider token
@param _lp_token Address of the Liquidity Provider token
@return Address of the pool
if self._is_registered(_lp_token):
return _lp_token
return empty(address)
def get_pool_name(_pool: address) -> String[64]:
@notice Returns the name of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return String[64] Name of the pool
return ERC20(self.base_registry.get_token(_pool)).name()
def get_pool_params(_pool: address) -> uint256[20]:
@notice returns pool params given a cryptopool address
@dev contains all settable parameter that alter the pool's performance
@dev only applicable for cryptopools
@param _pool Address of the pool for which data is being queried.
pool_params: uint256[20] = empty(uint256[20])
pool_params[0] = TricryptoNG(_pool).A()
pool_params[1] = TricryptoNG(_pool).D()
pool_params[2] = TricryptoNG(_pool).gamma()
pool_params[3] = TricryptoNG(_pool).allowed_extra_profit()
pool_params[4] = TricryptoNG(_pool).fee_gamma()
pool_params[5] = TricryptoNG(_pool).adjustment_step()
pool_params[6] = TricryptoNG(_pool).ma_time()
return pool_params
def get_underlying_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the underlying balances of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of underlying balances
return self._get_balances(_pool)
def get_underlying_coins(_pool: address) -> address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the underlying coins of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return address[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of underlying coins
return self._get_coins(_pool)
def get_underlying_decimals(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS]:
@notice Returns the underlying decimals of the given pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return uint256[MAX_METAREGISTRY_COINS] Array of underlying decimals
return self._get_decimals(_pool)
def get_virtual_price_from_lp_token(_token: address) -> uint256:
@notice Returns the virtual price of the given Liquidity Provider token
@param _token Address of the Liquidity Provider token
@return uint256 Virtual price
return TricryptoNG(_token).get_virtual_price()
def is_meta(_pool: address) -> bool:
@notice Returns whether the given pool is a meta pool
@param _pool Address of the pool
@return bool Whether the pool is a meta pool
return False
def is_registered(_pool: address) -> bool:
@notice Check if a pool belongs to the registry using get_n_coins
@param _pool The address of the pool
@return A bool corresponding to whether the pool belongs or not
return self._is_registered(_pool)
def pool_count() -> uint256:
@notice Returns the number of pools in the registry
@return uint256 Number of pools
return self.base_registry.pool_count()
def pool_list(_index: uint256) -> address:
@notice Returns the address of the pool at the given index
@param _index Index of the pool
@return Address of the pool
return self.base_registry.pool_list(_index)