Contract Name:
Contract Source Code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
import { IDeFiveFactory } from "./interfaces/IDeFiveFactory.sol";
import { IDeFiveRouter } from "./interfaces/IDeFiveRouter.sol";
import { IDeFivePair } from "./interfaces/IDeFivePair.sol";
import { IDeFiveToken } from "./interfaces/IDeFiveToken.sol";
import { IWS } from "./interfaces/IWS.sol";
import { TransferHelper } from "./libraries/TransferHelper.sol";
import { DeFiveLibrary } from "./libraries/DeFiveLibrary.sol";
contract DeFiveRouter is IDeFiveRouter {
address public immutable override factory;
address public immutable override wS;
modifier ensure(uint256 deadline) {
require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "DeFiveRouter: EXPIRED");
constructor(address _factory, address _wS) {
factory = _factory;
wS = _wS;
receive() external payable {
assert(msg.sender == wS); // only accept S via fallback from the wS contract
// **** ADD LIQUIDITY ****
function _addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 amountADesired,
uint256 amountBDesired,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin
) internal virtual returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB) {
// create the pair if it doesn't exist yet
if (IDeFiveFactory(factory).getPair(tokenA, tokenB) == address(0)) {
IDeFiveFactory(factory).createPair(tokenA, tokenB);
(uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB) = DeFiveLibrary.getReserves(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
if (reserveA == 0 && reserveB == 0) {
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBDesired);
} else {
uint256 amountBOptimal = DeFiveLibrary.quote(amountADesired, reserveA, reserveB);
if (amountBOptimal <= amountBDesired) {
require(amountBOptimal >= amountBMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT");
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBOptimal);
} else {
uint256 amountAOptimal = DeFiveLibrary.quote(amountBDesired, reserveB, reserveA);
assert(amountAOptimal <= amountADesired);
require(amountAOptimal >= amountAMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT");
(amountA, amountB) = (amountAOptimal, amountBDesired);
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 amountADesired,
uint256 amountBDesired,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB, uint256 liquidity) {
(amountA, amountB) = _addLiquidity(tokenA, tokenB, amountADesired, amountBDesired, amountAMin, amountBMin);
address pair = DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(tokenA, msg.sender, pair, amountA);
TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(tokenB, msg.sender, pair, amountB);
liquidity = IDeFivePair(pair).mint(to);
function addLiquidityS(
address token,
uint256 amountTokenDesired,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountS, uint256 liquidity)
(amountToken, amountS) = _addLiquidity(token, wS, amountTokenDesired, msg.value, amountTokenMin, amountSMin);
address pair = DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, token, wS);
TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, pair, amountToken);
IWS(wS).deposit{ value: amountS }();
assert(IWS(wS).transfer(pair, amountS));
liquidity = IDeFivePair(pair).mint(to);
// refund dust S, if any
if (msg.value > amountS) TransferHelper.safeTransferS(msg.sender, msg.value - amountS);
function removeLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) public virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB) {
address pair = DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
IDeFivePair(pair).transferFrom(msg.sender, pair, liquidity); // send liquidity to pair
(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = IDeFivePair(pair).burn(to);
(address token0, ) = DeFiveLibrary.sortTokens(tokenA, tokenB);
(amountA, amountB) = tokenA == token0 ? (amount0, amount1) : (amount1, amount0);
require(amountA >= amountAMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT");
require(amountB >= amountBMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT");
function removeLiquidityS(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) public virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountS) {
(amountToken, amountS) = removeLiquidity(
TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token, to, amountToken);
TransferHelper.safeTransferS(to, amountS);
function removeLiquidityWithPermit(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline,
bool approveMax,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external virtual override returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB) {
address pair = DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
uint256 value = approveMax ? type(uint256).max : liquidity;
// Use permit to allow the router to spend liquidity tokens
IDeFivePair(pair).permit(msg.sender, address(this), value, deadline, v, r, s);
// Call standard removeLiquidity function
(amountA, amountB) = removeLiquidity(tokenA, tokenB, liquidity, amountAMin, amountBMin, to, deadline);
function removeLiquiditySWithPermit(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline,
bool approveMax,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external virtual override returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountS) {
address pair = DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, token, wS);
uint256 value = approveMax ? type(uint256).max : liquidity;
// Use permit to allow the router to spend liquidity tokens
IDeFivePair(pair).permit(msg.sender, address(this), value, deadline, v, r, s);
// Call standard removeLiquidityS function
(amountToken, amountS) = removeLiquidityS(token, liquidity, amountTokenMin, amountSMin, to, deadline);
// **** REMOVE LIQUIDITY (supporting fee-on-transfer tokens) ****
function removeLiquiditySSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) public virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256 amountS) {
(, amountS) = removeLiquidity(token, wS, liquidity, amountTokenMin, amountSMin, address(this), deadline);
TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token, to, IDeFiveToken(token).balanceOf(address(this)));
TransferHelper.safeTransferS(to, amountS);
function removeLiquiditySWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline,
bool approveMax,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external virtual override returns (uint256 amountS) {
address pair = DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, token, wS);
uint256 value = approveMax ? type(uint256).max : liquidity;
IDeFivePair(pair).permit(msg.sender, address(this), value, deadline, v, r, s);
amountS = removeLiquiditySSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
// **** SWAP ****
// requires the initial amount to have already been sent to the first pair
function _swap(uint256[] memory amounts, address[] memory path, address _to) internal virtual {
for (uint256 i; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
(address input, address output) = (path[i], path[i + 1]);
(address token0, ) = DeFiveLibrary.sortTokens(input, output);
uint256 amountOut = amounts[i + 1];
(uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out) = input == token0
? (uint256(0), amountOut)
: (amountOut, uint256(0));
address to = i < path.length - 2 ? DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, output, path[i + 2]) : _to;
IDeFivePair(DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, input, output)).swap(amount0Out, amount1Out, to, new bytes(0));
function swapExactTokensForTokens(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
amounts = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsOut(factory, amountIn, path);
require(amounts[amounts.length - 1] >= amountOutMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT");
DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]),
_swap(amounts, path, to);
function swapTokensForExactTokens(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 amountInMax,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
amounts = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsIn(factory, amountOut, path);
require(amounts[0] <= amountInMax, "DeFiveRouter: EXCESSIVE_INPUT_AMOUNT");
DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]),
_swap(amounts, path, to);
function swapExactSForTokens(
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
require(path[0] == wS, "DeFiveRouter: INVALID_PATH");
amounts = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsOut(factory, msg.value, path);
require(amounts[amounts.length - 1] >= amountOutMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT");
IWS(wS).deposit{ value: amounts[0] }();
assert(IWS(wS).transfer(DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]), amounts[0]));
_swap(amounts, path, to);
function swapTokensForExactS(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 amountInMax,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
require(path[path.length - 1] == wS, "DeFiveRouter: INVALID_PATH");
amounts = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsIn(factory, amountOut, path);
require(amounts[0] <= amountInMax, "DeFiveRouter: EXCESSIVE_INPUT_AMOUNT");
DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]),
_swap(amounts, path, address(this));
IWS(wS).withdraw(amounts[amounts.length - 1]);
TransferHelper.safeTransferS(to, amounts[amounts.length - 1]);
function swapExactTokensForS(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
require(path[path.length - 1] == wS, "DeFiveRouter: INVALID_PATH");
amounts = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsOut(factory, amountIn, path);
require(amounts[amounts.length - 1] >= amountOutMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT");
DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]),
_swap(amounts, path, address(this));
IWS(wS).withdraw(amounts[amounts.length - 1]);
TransferHelper.safeTransferS(to, amounts[amounts.length - 1]);
function swapSForExactTokens(
uint256 amountOut,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
require(path[0] == wS, "DeFiveRouter: INVALID_PATH");
amounts = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsIn(factory, amountOut, path);
require(amounts[0] <= msg.value, "DeFiveRouter: EXCESSIVE_INPUT_AMOUNT");
IWS(wS).deposit{ value: amounts[0] }();
assert(IWS(wS).transfer(DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]), amounts[0]));
_swap(amounts, path, to);
// refund dust S, if any
if (msg.value > amounts[0]) TransferHelper.safeTransferS(msg.sender, msg.value - amounts[0]);
// **** SWAP (supporting fee-on-transfer tokens) ****
// requires the initial amount to have already been sent to the first pair
function _swapSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address[] memory path, address _to) internal virtual {
for (uint256 i; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
(address input, address output) = (path[i], path[i + 1]);
(address token0, ) = DeFiveLibrary.sortTokens(input, output);
IDeFivePair pair = IDeFivePair(DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, input, output));
uint256 amountInput;
uint256 amountOutput;
// scope to avoid stack too deep errors
(uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1, ) = pair.getReserves();
(uint256 reserveInput, uint256 reserveOutput) = input == token0
? (reserve0, reserve1)
: (reserve1, reserve0);
amountInput = IDeFiveToken(input).balanceOf(address(pair)) - reserveInput;
amountOutput = DeFiveLibrary.getAmountOut(amountInput, reserveInput, reserveOutput);
(uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out) = input == token0
? (uint256(0), amountOutput)
: (amountOutput, uint256(0));
address to = i < path.length - 2 ? DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, output, path[i + 2]) : _to;
pair.swap(amount0Out, amount1Out, to, new bytes(0));
function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) {
DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]),
uint256 balanceBefore = IDeFiveToken(path[path.length - 1]).balanceOf(to);
_swapSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(path, to);
IDeFiveToken(path[path.length - 1]).balanceOf(to) - balanceBefore >= amountOutMin,
function swapExactSForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable virtual override ensure(deadline) {
require(path[0] == wS, "DeFiveRouter: INVALID_PATH");
uint256 amountIn = msg.value;
IWS(wS).deposit{ value: amountIn }();
assert(IWS(wS).transfer(DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]), amountIn));
uint256 balanceBefore = IDeFiveToken(path[path.length - 1]).balanceOf(to);
_swapSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(path, to);
IDeFiveToken(path[path.length - 1]).balanceOf(to) - balanceBefore >= amountOutMin,
function swapExactTokensForSSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) {
require(path[path.length - 1] == wS, "DeFiveRouter: INVALID_PATH");
DeFiveLibrary.pairFor(factory, path[0], path[1]),
_swapSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(path, address(this));
uint256 amountOut = IDeFiveToken(wS).balanceOf(address(this));
require(amountOut >= amountOutMin, "DeFiveRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT");
TransferHelper.safeTransferS(to, amountOut);
function quote(
uint256 amountA,
uint256 reserveA,
uint256 reserveB
) public pure virtual override returns (uint256 amountB) {
return DeFiveLibrary.quote(amountA, reserveA, reserveB);
function getAmountOut(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 reserveIn,
uint256 reserveOut
) public pure virtual override returns (uint256 amountOut) {
return DeFiveLibrary.getAmountOut(amountIn, reserveIn, reserveOut);
function getAmountIn(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 reserveIn,
uint256 reserveOut
) public pure virtual override returns (uint256 amountIn) {
return DeFiveLibrary.getAmountIn(amountOut, reserveIn, reserveOut);
function getAmountsOut(
uint256 amountIn,
address[] memory path
) public view virtual override returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
return DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsOut(factory, amountIn, path);
function getAmountsIn(
uint256 amountOut,
address[] memory path
) public view virtual override returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
return DeFiveLibrary.getAmountsIn(factory, amountOut, path);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
interface IDeFiveFactory {
event PairCreated(address indexed token0, address indexed token1, address pair, uint256);
event SetFeeToDevs(address indexed sender, address indexed feeToDevs);
event SetFeeToGbm(address indexed sender, address indexed feeToGbm);
event SetFeeToDevsSetter(address indexed sender, address indexed feeToDevsSetter);
event SetFeeToGbmSetter(address indexed sender, address indexed feeToGbmSetter);
function feeToDevs() external view returns (address);
function feeToGbm() external view returns (address);
function feeToDevsSetter() external view returns (address);
function feeToGbmSetter() external view returns (address);
function getPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (address pair);
function allPairs(uint256) external view returns (address pair);
function allPairsLength() external view returns (uint256);
function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair);
function setFeeToDevs(address _feeToDevs) external;
function setFeeToGbm(address _feeToGbm) external;
function setFeeToDevsSetter(address _feeToDevsSetter) external;
function setFeeToGbmSetter(address _feeToGbmSetter) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
import { IDeFiveToken } from "./IDeFiveToken.sol";
interface IDeFivePair is IDeFiveToken {
event Mint(address indexed sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
event Burn(address indexed sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, address indexed to);
event Swap(
address indexed sender,
uint256 amount0In,
uint256 amount1In,
uint256 amount0Out,
uint256 amount1Out,
address indexed to
event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1);
function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint256);
function factory() external view returns (address);
function token0() external view returns (address);
function token1() external view returns (address);
function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast);
function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint256);
function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint256);
function kLast() external view returns (uint256);
function mint(address to) external returns (uint256 liquidity);
function burn(address to) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
function swap(uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external;
function skim(address to) external;
function sync() external;
function initialize(address, address) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
interface IDeFiveRouter {
function factory() external view returns (address);
function wS() external view returns (address);
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 amountADesired,
uint256 amountBDesired,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB, uint256 liquidity);
function addLiquidityS(
address token,
uint256 amountTokenDesired,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountS, uint256 liquidity);
function removeLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB);
function removeLiquidityS(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountS);
function removeLiquidityWithPermit(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountAMin,
uint256 amountBMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline,
bool approveMax,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB);
function removeLiquiditySWithPermit(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline,
bool approveMax,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountS);
function swapExactTokensForTokens(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function swapTokensForExactTokens(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 amountInMax,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function swapExactSForTokens(
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function swapTokensForExactS(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 amountInMax,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function swapExactTokensForS(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function swapSForExactTokens(
uint256 amountOut,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function quote(uint256 amountA, uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB) external pure returns (uint256 amountB);
function getAmountOut(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 reserveIn,
uint256 reserveOut
) external pure returns (uint256 amountOut);
function getAmountIn(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 reserveIn,
uint256 reserveOut
) external pure returns (uint256 amountIn);
function getAmountsOut(uint256 amountIn, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function getAmountsIn(uint256 amountOut, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
function removeLiquiditySSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256 amountS);
function removeLiquiditySWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
address token,
uint256 liquidity,
uint256 amountTokenMin,
uint256 amountSMin,
address to,
uint256 deadline,
bool approveMax,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external returns (uint256 amountS);
function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external;
function swapExactSForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external payable;
function swapExactTokensForSSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint256 deadline
) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
interface IDeFiveToken {
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
function name() external pure returns (string memory);
function symbol() external pure returns (string memory);
function decimals() external pure returns (uint8);
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32);
function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
function permit(
address owner,
address spender,
uint256 value,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
interface IWS {
function deposit() external payable;
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function withdraw(uint256) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
import { IDeFivePair } from "../interfaces/IDeFivePair.sol";
library DeFiveLibrary {
// Returns sorted token addresses, used to handle return values from pairs sorted in this order
function sortTokens(address tokenA, address tokenB) internal pure returns (address token0, address token1) {
require(tokenA != tokenB, "DeFiveLibrary: IDENTICAL_ADDRESSES");
(token0, token1) = tokenA < tokenB ? (tokenA, tokenB) : (tokenB, tokenA);
require(token0 != address(0), "DeFiveLibrary: ZERO_ADDRESS");
// Calculates the CREATE2 address for a pair without making any external calls
function pairFor(address factory, address tokenA, address tokenB) internal pure returns (address pair) {
(address token0, address token1) = sortTokens(tokenA, tokenB);
pair = address(
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)),
hex"a2bd630981c20599e374cdb7af13220e18e2422c7dde970eff313f36d739c801" // init code hash
// Fetches and sorts the reserves for a pair
function getReserves(
address factory,
address tokenA,
address tokenB
) internal view returns (uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB) {
(address token0, ) = sortTokens(tokenA, tokenB);
(uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1, ) = IDeFivePair(pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB)).getReserves();
(reserveA, reserveB) = tokenA == token0 ? (reserve0, reserve1) : (reserve1, reserve0);
// Given some amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns an equivalent amount of the other asset
function quote(uint256 amountA, uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB) internal pure returns (uint256 amountB) {
require(amountA > 0, "DeFiveLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT");
require(reserveA > 0 && reserveB > 0, "DeFiveLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY");
amountB = (amountA * reserveB) / reserveA;
// Given an input amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns the maximum output amount of the other asset
function getAmountOut(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 reserveIn,
uint256 reserveOut
) internal pure returns (uint256 amountOut) {
require(amountIn > 0, "DeFiveLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_AMOUNT");
require(reserveIn > 0 && reserveOut > 0, "DeFiveLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY");
uint256 amountInWithFee = amountIn * 9982; // 0.018% fee
amountOut = (amountInWithFee * reserveOut) / (reserveIn * 10000 + amountInWithFee);
// Given an output amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns a required input amount of the other asset
function getAmountIn(
uint256 amountOut,
uint256 reserveIn,
uint256 reserveOut
) internal pure returns (uint256 amountIn) {
require(amountOut > 0, "DeFiveLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT");
require(reserveIn > 0 && reserveOut > 0, "DeFiveLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY");
amountIn = (reserveIn * amountOut * 10000) / ((reserveOut - amountOut) * 9982) + 1;
// Performs chained getAmountOut calculations on any number of pairs
function getAmountsOut(
address factory,
uint256 amountIn,
address[] memory path
) internal view returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
uint256 length = path.length;
require(length >= 2, "DeFiveLibrary: INVALID_PATH");
amounts = new uint256[](length);
amounts[0] = amountIn;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
(uint256 reserveIn, uint256 reserveOut) = getReserves(factory, path[i], path[i + 1]);
amounts[i + 1] = getAmountOut(amounts[i], reserveIn, reserveOut);
// Performs chained getAmountIn calculations on any number of pairs
function getAmountsIn(
address factory,
uint256 amountOut,
address[] memory path
) internal view returns (uint256[] memory amounts) {
uint256 length = path.length;
require(length >= 2, "DeFiveLibrary: INVALID_PATH");
amounts = new uint256[](length);
amounts[length - 1] = amountOut;
for (uint256 i = length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
(uint256 reserveIn, uint256 reserveOut) = getReserves(factory, path[i - 1], path[i]);
amounts[i - 1] = getAmountIn(amounts[i], reserveIn, reserveOut);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.4;
// helper methods for interacting with tokens and sending S that do not consistently return true/false
library TransferHelper {
function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint256 value) internal {
// bytes4(keccak256(bytes('approve(address,uint256)')));
(bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));
require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), "TransferHelper: APPROVE_FAILED");
function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 value) internal {
// bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)')));
(bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));
require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), "TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED");
function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal {
// bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)')));
(bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value));
require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), "TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED");
function safeTransferS(address to, uint256 value) internal {
(bool success, ) ={ value: value }(new bytes(0));
require(success, "TransferHelper: S_TRANSFER_FAILED");