Contract Name:
crvUSD Controller
Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : crvUSD Controller
# @version 0.3.10
# pragma optimize codesize
# pragma evm-version shanghai
@title crvUSD Controller
@author Curve.Fi
@license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2020-2024 - all rights reserved
interface LLAMMA:
def A() -> uint256: view
def get_p() -> uint256: view
def get_base_price() -> uint256: view
def active_band() -> int256: view
def active_band_with_skip() -> int256: view
def p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256: view
def p_oracle_down(n: int256) -> uint256: view
def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256): nonpayable
def read_user_tick_numbers(_for: address) -> int256[2]: view
def get_sum_xy(user: address) -> uint256[2]: view
def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]: nonpayable
def get_x_down(user: address) -> uint256: view
def get_rate_mul() -> uint256: view
def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256: nonpayable
def set_fee(fee: uint256): nonpayable
def set_admin_fee(fee: uint256): nonpayable
def price_oracle() -> uint256: view
def can_skip_bands(n_end: int256) -> bool: view
def admin_fees_x() -> uint256: view
def admin_fees_y() -> uint256: view
def reset_admin_fees(): nonpayable
def has_liquidity(user: address) -> bool: view
def bands_x(n: int256) -> uint256: view
def bands_y(n: int256) -> uint256: view
def set_callback(user: address): nonpayable
interface ERC20:
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
def decimals() -> uint256: view
def approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
def balanceOf(_from: address) -> uint256: view
interface MonetaryPolicy:
def rate_write() -> uint256: nonpayable
interface Factory:
def stablecoin() -> address: view
def admin() -> address: view
def fee_receiver() -> address: view
# Only if lending vault
def borrowed_token() -> address: view
def collateral_token() -> address: view
event UserState:
user: indexed(address)
collateral: uint256
debt: uint256
n1: int256
n2: int256
liquidation_discount: uint256
event Borrow:
user: indexed(address)
collateral_increase: uint256
loan_increase: uint256
event Repay:
user: indexed(address)
collateral_decrease: uint256
loan_decrease: uint256
event RemoveCollateral:
user: indexed(address)
collateral_decrease: uint256
event Liquidate:
liquidator: indexed(address)
user: indexed(address)
collateral_received: uint256
stablecoin_received: uint256
debt: uint256
event SetMonetaryPolicy:
monetary_policy: address
event SetBorrowingDiscounts:
loan_discount: uint256
liquidation_discount: uint256
event SetExtraHealth:
user: indexed(address)
health: uint256
event CollectFees:
amount: uint256
new_supply: uint256
event SetLMCallback:
callback: address
event Approval:
owner: indexed(address)
spender: indexed(address)
allow: bool
struct Loan:
initial_debt: uint256
rate_mul: uint256
struct Position:
user: address
x: uint256
y: uint256
debt: uint256
health: int256
struct CallbackData:
active_band: int256
stablecoins: uint256
collateral: uint256
FACTORY: immutable(Factory)
MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**17
MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT: constant(uint256) = 10**16 # Start liquidating when threshold reached
MAX_TICKS: constant(int256) = 50
MAX_TICKS_UINT: constant(uint256) = 50
MIN_TICKS: constant(int256) = 4
MIN_TICKS_UINT: constant(uint256) = 4
MAX_SKIP_TICKS: constant(uint256) = 1024
MAX_P_BASE_BANDS: constant(int256) = 5
MAX_RATE: constant(uint256) = 43959106799 # 300% APY
loan: HashMap[address, Loan]
liquidation_discounts: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
_total_debt: Loan
loans: public(address[2**64 - 1]) # Enumerate existing loans
loan_ix: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) # Position of the loan in the list
n_loans: public(uint256) # Number of nonzero loans
minted: public(uint256)
redeemed: public(uint256)
monetary_policy: public(MonetaryPolicy)
liquidation_discount: public(uint256)
loan_discount: public(uint256)
COLLATERAL_PRECISION: immutable(uint256)
BORROWED_TOKEN: immutable(ERC20)
BORROWED_PRECISION: immutable(uint256)
AMM: immutable(LLAMMA)
A: immutable(uint256)
Aminus1: immutable(uint256)
LOGN_A_RATIO: immutable(int256) # log(A / (A - 1))
SQRT_BAND_RATIO: immutable(uint256)
MAX_ADMIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**17 # 50%
MIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**6 # 1e-12, still needs to be above 0
MAX_FEE: immutable(uint256) # let's set to MIN_TICKS / A: for example, 4% max fee for A=100
CALLBACK_DEPOSIT: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_REPAY: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])", output_type=bytes4)
CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
# CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_repay(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4) <-- BUG! The reason is 0 at the beginning of method_id
CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = 0x008ae188
CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES: constant(bytes4) = method_id("callback_liquidate(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[],bytes)", output_type=bytes4)
DEAD_SHARES: constant(uint256) = 1000
approval: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])
extra_health: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
def __init__(
collateral_token: address,
monetary_policy: address,
loan_discount: uint256,
liquidation_discount: uint256,
amm: address):
@notice Controller constructor deployed by the factory from blueprint
@param collateral_token Token to use for collateral
@param monetary_policy Address of monetary policy
@param loan_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to get_x_down() value
@param liquidation_discount Discount of the maximum loan size compare to
get_x_down() for "bad liquidation" purposes
@param amm AMM address (Already deployed from blueprint)
FACTORY = Factory(msg.sender)
self.monetary_policy = MonetaryPolicy(monetary_policy)
self.liquidation_discount = liquidation_discount
self.loan_discount = loan_discount
self._total_debt.rate_mul = 10**18
_A: uint256 = LLAMMA(amm).A()
A = _A
Aminus1 = unsafe_sub(_A, 1)
LOGN_A_RATIO = self.wad_ln(unsafe_div(_A * 10**18, unsafe_sub(_A, 1)))
MAX_FEE = min(unsafe_div(10**18 * MIN_TICKS, A), 10**17)
_collateral_token: ERC20 = ERC20(collateral_token)
_borrowed_token: ERC20 = empty(ERC20)
if collateral_token == empty(address):
# Lending vault factory
_collateral_token = ERC20(Factory(msg.sender).collateral_token())
_borrowed_token = ERC20(Factory(msg.sender).borrowed_token())
# Stablecoin factory
# _collateral_token is already set
_borrowed_token = ERC20(Factory(msg.sender).stablecoin())
COLLATERAL_TOKEN = _collateral_token
BORROWED_TOKEN = _borrowed_token
COLLATERAL_PRECISION = pow_mod256(10, 18 - _collateral_token.decimals())
BORROWED_PRECISION = pow_mod256(10, 18 - _borrowed_token.decimals())
SQRT_BAND_RATIO = isqrt(unsafe_div(10**36 * _A, unsafe_sub(_A, 1)))
assert _borrowed_token.approve(msg.sender, max_value(uint256), default_return_value=True)
def _log_2(x: uint256) -> uint256:
@dev An `internal` helper function that returns the log in base 2
of `x`, following the selected rounding direction.
@notice Note that it returns 0 if given 0. The implementation is
inspired by OpenZeppelin's implementation here:
This code is taken from snekmate.
@param x The 32-byte variable.
@return uint256 The 32-byte calculation result.
value: uint256 = x
result: uint256 = empty(uint256)
# The following lines cannot overflow because we have the well-known
# decay behaviour of `log_2(max_value(uint256)) < max_value(uint256)`.
if (x >> 128 != empty(uint256)):
value = x >> 128
result = 128
if (value >> 64 != empty(uint256)):
value = value >> 64
result = unsafe_add(result, 64)
if (value >> 32 != empty(uint256)):
value = value >> 32
result = unsafe_add(result, 32)
if (value >> 16 != empty(uint256)):
value = value >> 16
result = unsafe_add(result, 16)
if (value >> 8 != empty(uint256)):
value = value >> 8
result = unsafe_add(result, 8)
if (value >> 4 != empty(uint256)):
value = value >> 4
result = unsafe_add(result, 4)
if (value >> 2 != empty(uint256)):
value = value >> 2
result = unsafe_add(result, 2)
if (value >> 1 != empty(uint256)):
result = unsafe_add(result, 1)
return result
def wad_ln(x: uint256) -> int256:
@dev Calculates the natural logarithm of a signed integer with a
precision of 1e18.
@notice Note that it returns 0 if given 0. Furthermore, this function
consumes about 1,400 to 1,650 gas units depending on the value
of `x`. The implementation is inspired by Remco Bloemen's
implementation under the MIT license here:
This code is taken from snekmate.
@param x The 32-byte variable.
@return int256 The 32-byte calculation result.
value: int256 = convert(x, int256)
assert x > 0
# We want to convert `x` from "10 ** 18" fixed point to "2 ** 96"
# fixed point. We do this by multiplying by "2 ** 96 / 10 ** 18".
# But since "ln(x * C) = ln(x) + ln(C)" holds, we can just do nothing
# here and add "ln(2 ** 96 / 10 ** 18)" at the end.
# Reduce the range of `x` to "(1, 2) * 2 ** 96".
# Also remember that "ln(2 ** k * x) = k * ln(2) + ln(x)" holds.
k: int256 = unsafe_sub(convert(self._log_2(x), int256), 96)
# Note that to circumvent Vyper's safecast feature for the potentially
# negative expression `value <<= uint256(159 - k)`, we first convert the
# expression `value <<= uint256(159 - k)` to `bytes32` and subsequently
# to `uint256`. Remember that the EVM default behaviour is to use two's
# complement representation to handle signed integers.
value = convert(convert(convert(value << convert(unsafe_sub(159, k), uint256), bytes32), uint256) >> 159, int256)
# Evaluate using a "(8, 8)"-term rational approximation. Since `p` is monic,
# we will multiply by a scaling factor later.
p: int256 = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(unsafe_add(value, 3_273_285_459_638_523_848_632_254_066_296), value) >> 96, 24_828_157_081_833_163_892_658_089_445_524)
p = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(p, value) >> 96, 43_456_485_725_739_037_958_740_375_743_393)
p = unsafe_sub(unsafe_mul(p, value) >> 96, 11_111_509_109_440_967_052_023_855_526_967)
p = unsafe_sub(unsafe_mul(p, value) >> 96, 45_023_709_667_254_063_763_336_534_515_857)
p = unsafe_sub(unsafe_mul(p, value) >> 96, 14_706_773_417_378_608_786_704_636_184_526)
p = unsafe_sub(unsafe_mul(p, value), 795_164_235_651_350_426_258_249_787_498 << 96)
# We leave `p` in the "2 ** 192" base so that we do not have to scale it up
# again for the division. Note that `q` is monic by convention.
q: int256 = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(unsafe_add(value, 5_573_035_233_440_673_466_300_451_813_936), value) >> 96, 71_694_874_799_317_883_764_090_561_454_958)
q = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(q, value) >> 96, 283_447_036_172_924_575_727_196_451_306_956)
q = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(q, value) >> 96, 401_686_690_394_027_663_651_624_208_769_553)
q = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(q, value) >> 96, 204_048_457_590_392_012_362_485_061_816_622)
q = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(q, value) >> 96, 31_853_899_698_501_571_402_653_359_427_138)
q = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(q, value) >> 96, 909_429_971_244_387_300_277_376_558_375)
# It is known that the polynomial `q` has no zeros in the domain.
# No scaling is required, as `p` is already "2 ** 96" too large. Also,
# `r` is in the range "(0, 0.125) * 2 ** 96" after the division.
r: int256 = unsafe_div(p, q)
# To finalise the calculation, we have to proceed with the following steps:
# - multiply by the scaling factor "s = 5.549...",
# - add "ln(2 ** 96 / 10 ** 18)",
# - add "k * ln(2)", and
# - multiply by "10 ** 18 / 2 ** 96 = 5 ** 18 >> 78".
# In order to perform the most gas-efficient calculation, we carry out all
# these steps in one expression.
return unsafe_add(unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(r, 1_677_202_110_996_718_588_342_820_967_067_443_963_516_166),\
unsafe_mul(k, 16_597_577_552_685_614_221_487_285_958_193_947_469_193_820_559_219_878_177_908_093_499_208_371)),\
600_920_179_829_731_861_736_702_779_321_621_459_595_472_258_049_074_101_567_377_883_020_018_308) >> 174
def factory() -> Factory:
@notice Address of the factory
return FACTORY
def amm() -> LLAMMA:
@notice Address of the AMM
return AMM
def collateral_token() -> ERC20:
@notice Address of the collateral token
def borrowed_token() -> ERC20:
@notice Address of the borrowed token
def _save_rate():
@notice Save current rate
rate: uint256 = min(self.monetary_policy.rate_write(), MAX_RATE)
def save_rate():
@notice Save current rate
def _debt(user: address) -> (uint256, uint256):
@notice Get the value of debt and rate_mul and update the rate_mul counter
@param user User address
@return (debt, rate_mul)
rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
loan: Loan =[user]
if loan.initial_debt == 0:
return (0, rate_mul)
# Let user repay 1 smallest decimal more so that the system doesn't lose on precision
# Use ceil div
debt: uint256 = loan.initial_debt * rate_mul
if debt % loan.rate_mul > 0: # if only one loan -> don't have to do it
if self.n_loans > 1:
debt += unsafe_sub(loan.rate_mul, 1)
debt = unsafe_div(debt, loan.rate_mul) # loan.rate_mul is nonzero because we just had % successful
return (debt, rate_mul)
def debt(user: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the value of debt without changing the state
@param user User address
@return Value of debt
return self._debt(user)[0]
def loan_exists(user: address) -> bool:
@notice Check whether there is a loan of `user` in existence
return[user].initial_debt > 0
# No decorator because used in monetary policy
def total_debt() -> uint256:
@notice Total debt of this controller
rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
loan: Loan = self._total_debt
return loan.initial_debt * rate_mul / loan.rate_mul
def get_y_effective(collateral: uint256, N: uint256, discount: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Intermediary method which calculates y_effective defined as x_effective / p_base,
however discounted by loan_discount.
x_effective is an amount which can be obtained from collateral when liquidating
@param collateral Amount of collateral to get the value for
@param N Number of bands the deposit is made into
@param discount Loan discount at 1e18 base (e.g. 1e18 == 100%)
@return y_effective
# x_effective = sum_{i=0..N-1}(y / N * p(n_{n1+i})) =
# = y / N * p_oracle_up(n1) * sqrt((A - 1) / A) * sum_{0..N-1}(((A-1) / A)**k)
# === d_y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1) * sum(...) === y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1)
# d_y_effective = y / N / sqrt(A / (A - 1))
# d_y_effective: uint256 = collateral * unsafe_sub(10**18, discount) / (SQRT_BAND_RATIO * N)
# Make some extra discount to always deposit lower when we have DEAD_SHARES rounding
d_y_effective: uint256 = unsafe_div(
collateral * unsafe_sub(
10**18, min(discount + unsafe_div((DEAD_SHARES * 10**18), max(unsafe_div(collateral, N), DEAD_SHARES)), 10**18)
unsafe_mul(SQRT_BAND_RATIO, N))
y_effective: uint256 = d_y_effective
for i in range(1, MAX_TICKS_UINT):
if i == N:
d_y_effective = unsafe_div(d_y_effective * Aminus1, A)
y_effective = unsafe_add(y_effective, d_y_effective)
return y_effective
def _calculate_debt_n1(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, user: address) -> int256:
@notice Calculate the upper band number for the deposit to sit in to support
the given debt. Reverts if requested debt is too high.
@param collateral Amount of collateral (at its native precision)
@param debt Amount of requested debt
@param N Number of bands to deposit into
@return Upper band n1 (n1 <= n2) to deposit into. Signed integer
assert debt > 0, "No loan"
n0: int256 = AMM.active_band()
p_base: uint256 = AMM.p_oracle_up(n0)
# x_effective = y / N * p_oracle_up(n1) * sqrt((A - 1) / A) * sum_{0..N-1}(((A-1) / A)**k)
# === d_y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1) * sum(...) === y_effective * p_oracle_up(n1)
# d_y_effective = y / N / sqrt(A / (A - 1))
y_effective: uint256 = self.get_y_effective(collateral * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, N, self.loan_discount + self.extra_health[user])
# p_oracle_up(n1) = base_price * ((A - 1) / A)**n1
# We borrow up until min band touches p_oracle,
# or it touches non-empty bands which cannot be skipped.
# We calculate required n1 for given (collateral, debt),
# and if n1 corresponds to price_oracle being too high, or unreachable band
# - we revert.
# n1 is band number based on adiabatic trading, e.g. when p_oracle ~ p
y_effective = unsafe_div(y_effective * p_base, debt * BORROWED_PRECISION + 1) # Now it's a ratio
# n1 = floor(log(y_effective) / self.logAratio)
# EVM semantics is not doing floor unlike Python, so we do this
assert y_effective > 0, "Amount too low"
n1: int256 = self.wad_ln(y_effective)
if n1 < 0:
n1 -= unsafe_sub(LOGN_A_RATIO, 1) # This is to deal with vyper's rounding of negative numbers
n1 = unsafe_div(n1, LOGN_A_RATIO)
n1 = min(n1, 1024 - convert(N, int256)) + n0
if n1 <= n0:
assert AMM.can_skip_bands(n1 - 1), "Debt too high"
# Let's not rely on active_band corresponding to price_oracle:
# this will be not correct if we are in the area of empty bands
assert AMM.p_oracle_up(n1) < AMM.price_oracle(), "Debt too high"
return n1
def max_p_base() -> uint256:
@notice Calculate max base price including skipping bands
p_oracle: uint256 = AMM.price_oracle()
# Should be correct unless price changes suddenly by MAX_P_BASE_BANDS+ bands
n1: int256 = self.wad_ln(AMM.get_base_price() * 10**18 / p_oracle)
if n1 < 0:
n1 -= LOGN_A_RATIO - 1 # This is to deal with vyper's rounding of negative numbers
n1 = unsafe_div(n1, LOGN_A_RATIO) + MAX_P_BASE_BANDS
n_min: int256 = AMM.active_band_with_skip()
n1 = max(n1, n_min + 1)
p_base: uint256 = AMM.p_oracle_up(n1)
for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
n1 -= 1
if n1 <= n_min:
p_base_prev: uint256 = p_base
p_base = unsafe_div(p_base * A, Aminus1)
if p_base > p_oracle:
return p_base_prev
return p_base
def max_borrowable(collateral: uint256, N: uint256, current_debt: uint256 = 0, user: address = empty(address)) -> uint256:
@notice Calculation of maximum which can be borrowed (details in comments)
@param collateral Collateral amount against which to borrow
@param N number of bands to have the deposit into
@param current_debt Current debt of the user (if any)
@param user User to calculate the value for (only necessary for nonzero extra_health)
@return Maximum amount of stablecoin to borrow
# Calculation of maximum which can be borrowed.
# It corresponds to a minimum between the amount corresponding to price_oracle
# and the one given by the min reachable band.
# Given by p_oracle (perhaps needs to be multiplied by (A - 1) / A to account for mid-band effects)
# x_max ~= y_effective * p_oracle
# Given by band number:
# if n1 is the lowest empty band in the AMM
# xmax ~= y_effective * amm.p_oracle_up(n1)
# When n1 -= 1:
# p_oracle_up *= A / (A - 1)
# if N < MIN_TICKS or N > MAX_TICKS:
y_effective: uint256 = self.get_y_effective(collateral * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, N,
self.loan_discount + self.extra_health[user])
x: uint256 = unsafe_sub(max(unsafe_div(y_effective * self.max_p_base(), 10**18), 1), 1)
x = unsafe_div(x * (10**18 - 10**14), unsafe_mul(10**18, BORROWED_PRECISION)) # Make it a bit smaller
return min(x, BORROWED_TOKEN.balanceOf(self) + current_debt) # Cannot borrow beyond the amount of coins Controller has
def min_collateral(debt: uint256, N: uint256, user: address = empty(address)) -> uint256:
@notice Minimal amount of collateral required to support debt
@param debt The debt to support
@param N Number of bands to deposit into
@param user User to calculate the value for (only necessary for nonzero extra_health)
@return Minimal collateral required
# Add N**2 to account for precision loss in multiple bands, e.g. N / (y/N) = N**2 / y
return unsafe_div(
debt * unsafe_mul(10**18, BORROWED_PRECISION) / self.max_p_base() * 10**18 / self.get_y_effective(10**18, N, self.loan_discount + self.extra_health[user]) + unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(N, unsafe_add(N, 2 * DEAD_SHARES)), unsafe_sub(COLLATERAL_PRECISION, 1)),
) * 10**18,
10**18 - 10**14)
def calculate_debt_n1(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, user: address = empty(address)) -> int256:
@notice Calculate the upper band number for the deposit to sit in to support
the given debt. Reverts if requested debt is too high.
@param collateral Amount of collateral (at its native precision)
@param debt Amount of requested debt
@param N Number of bands to deposit into
@param user User to calculate n1 for (only necessary for nonzero extra_health)
@return Upper band n1 (n1 <= n2) to deposit into. Signed integer
return self._calculate_debt_n1(collateral, debt, N, user)
def transferFrom(token: ERC20, _from: address, _to: address, amount: uint256):
if amount > 0:
assert token.transferFrom(_from, _to, amount, default_return_value=True)
def transfer(token: ERC20, _to: address, amount: uint256):
if amount > 0:
assert token.transfer(_to, amount, default_return_value=True)
def execute_callback(callbacker: address, callback_sig: bytes4,
user: address, stablecoins: uint256, collateral: uint256, debt: uint256,
callback_args: DynArray[uint256, 5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4]) -> CallbackData:
assert callbacker != COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address
assert callbacker != BORROWED_TOKEN.address
data: CallbackData = empty(CallbackData)
data.active_band = AMM.active_band()
band_x: uint256 = AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
band_y: uint256 = AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)
# Callback
response: Bytes[64] = raw_call(
concat(callback_sig, _abi_encode(user, stablecoins, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)),
data.stablecoins = convert(slice(response, 0, 32), uint256)
data.collateral = convert(slice(response, 32, 32), uint256)
# Checks after callback
assert data.active_band == AMM.active_band()
assert band_x == AMM.bands_x(data.active_band)
assert band_y == AMM.bands_y(data.active_band)
return data
def _create_loan(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, transfer_coins: bool, _for: address):
assert[_for].initial_debt == 0, "Loan already created"
assert N > MIN_TICKS-1, "Need more ticks"
assert N < MAX_TICKS+1, "Need less ticks"
n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(collateral, debt, N, _for)
n2: int256 = n1 + convert(unsafe_sub(N, 1), int256)
rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
liquidation_discount: uint256 = self.liquidation_discount
self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
n_loans: uint256 = self.n_loans[n_loans] = _for
self.loan_ix[_for] = n_loans
self.n_loans = unsafe_add(n_loans, 1)
self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + debt
self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul
AMM.deposit_range(_for, collateral, n1, n2)
self.minted += debt
if transfer_coins:
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, _for, debt)
log UserState(_for, collateral, debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
log Borrow(_for, collateral, debt)
def create_loan(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Create loan
@param collateral Amount of collateral to use
@param debt Stablecoin debt to take
@param N Number of bands to deposit into (to do autoliquidation-deliquidation),
can be from MIN_TICKS to MAX_TICKS
@param _for Address to create the loan for
if _for != tx.origin:
# We can create a loan for tx.origin (for example when wrapping ETH with EOA),
# however need to approve in other cases
assert self._check_approval(_for)
self._create_loan(collateral, debt, N, True, _for)
def create_loan_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, N: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"", _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Create loan but pass stablecoin to a callback first so that it can build leverage
@param collateral Amount of collateral to use
@param debt Stablecoin debt to take
@param N Number of bands to deposit into (to do autoliquidation-deliquidation),
can be from MIN_TICKS to MAX_TICKS
@param callbacker Address of the callback contract
@param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
@param _for Address to create the loan for
if _for != tx.origin:
assert self._check_approval(_for)
# Before callback
self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, debt)
# For compatibility
callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES
if callback_bytes == b"":
callback_sig = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT
# Callback
# If there is any unused debt, callbacker can send it to the user
more_collateral: uint256 = self.execute_callback(
callbacker, callback_sig, _for, 0, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes).collateral
# After callback
self._create_loan(collateral + more_collateral, debt, N, False, _for)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, more_collateral)
def _add_collateral_borrow(d_collateral: uint256, d_debt: uint256, _for: address, remove_collateral: bool,
check_rounding: bool):
@notice Internal method to borrow and add or remove collateral
@param d_collateral Amount of collateral to add
@param d_debt Amount of debt increase
@param _for Address to transfer tokens to
@param remove_collateral Remove collateral instead of adding
@param check_rounding Check that amount added is no less than the rounding error on the loan
debt: uint256 = 0
rate_mul: uint256 = 0
debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
debt += d_debt
ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
size: uint256 = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
assert xy[0] == 0, "Already in underwater mode"
if remove_collateral:
xy[1] -= d_collateral
xy[1] += d_collateral
if check_rounding:
# We need d(x + p*y) > 1 wei. For that, we do an equivalent check (but with x2 for safety)
# This check is only needed when we add collateral for someone else, so gas is not an issue
# 2 * 10**(18 - borrow_decimals + collateral_decimals) =
# = 2 * 10**18 * 10**(18 - borrow_decimals) / 10**(collateral_decimals)
assert d_collateral * AMM.price_oracle() > 2 * 10**18 * BORROWED_PRECISION / COLLATERAL_PRECISION
n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, size, _for)
n2: int256 = n1 + unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])
AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
liquidation_discount: uint256 = 0
if _for == msg.sender:
liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]
if d_debt != 0:
self._total_debt.initial_debt = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul + d_debt
self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul
if remove_collateral:
log RemoveCollateral(_for, d_collateral)
log Borrow(_for, d_collateral, d_debt)
log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
def add_collateral(collateral: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Add extra collateral to avoid bad liqidations
@param collateral Amount of collateral to add
@param _for Address to add collateral for
if collateral == 0:
self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral, 0, _for, False, _for != msg.sender)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
def remove_collateral(collateral: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Remove some collateral without repaying the debt
@param collateral Amount of collateral to remove
@param _for Address to remove collateral for
if collateral == 0:
assert self._check_approval(_for)
self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral, 0, _for, True, False)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, _for, collateral)
def borrow_more(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Borrow more stablecoins while adding more collateral (not necessary)
@param collateral Amount of collateral to add
@param debt Amount of stablecoin debt to take
@param _for Address to borrow for
if debt == 0:
assert self._check_approval(_for)
self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral, debt, _for, False, False)
self.minted += debt
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, _for, debt)
def borrow_more_extended(collateral: uint256, debt: uint256, callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"", _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Borrow more stablecoins while adding more collateral using a callback (to leverage more)
@param collateral Amount of collateral to add
@param debt Amount of stablecoin debt to take
@param callbacker Address of the callback contract
@param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
@param _for Address to borrow for
if debt == 0:
assert self._check_approval(_for)
# Before callback
self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, debt)
# For compatibility
callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT_WITH_BYTES
if callback_bytes == b"":
callback_sig = CALLBACK_DEPOSIT
# Callback
# If there is any unused debt, callbacker can send it to the user
more_collateral: uint256 = self.execute_callback(
callbacker, callback_sig, _for, 0, collateral, debt, callback_args, callback_bytes).collateral
# After callback
self._add_collateral_borrow(collateral + more_collateral, debt, _for, False, False)
self.minted += debt
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, msg.sender, AMM.address, collateral)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, more_collateral)
def _remove_from_list(_for: address):
last_loan_ix: uint256 = self.n_loans - 1
loan_ix: uint256 = self.loan_ix[_for]
assert[loan_ix] == _for # dev: should never fail but safety first
self.loan_ix[_for] = 0
if loan_ix < last_loan_ix: # Need to replace
last_loan: address =[last_loan_ix][loan_ix] = last_loan
self.loan_ix[last_loan] = loan_ix
self.n_loans = last_loan_ix
def repay(_d_debt: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender, max_active_band: int256 = 2**255-1):
@notice Repay debt (partially or fully)
@param _d_debt The amount of debt to repay. If higher than the current debt - will do full repayment
@param _for The user to repay the debt for
@param max_active_band Don't allow active band to be higher than this (to prevent front-running the repay)
if _d_debt == 0:
# Or repay all for MAX_UINT256
# Withdraw if debt become 0
debt: uint256 = 0
rate_mul: uint256 = 0
debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
d_debt: uint256 = min(debt, _d_debt)
debt = unsafe_sub(debt, d_debt)
approval: bool = self._check_approval(_for)
if debt == 0:
# Allow to withdraw all assets even when underwater
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
if xy[0] > 0:
# Only allow full repayment when underwater for the sender to do
assert approval
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, _for, xy[0])
if xy[1] > 0:
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, _for, xy[1])
log UserState(_for, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
log Repay(_for, xy[1], d_debt)
active_band: int256 = AMM.active_band_with_skip()
assert active_band <= max_active_band
ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
size: int256 = unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])
liquidation_discount: uint256 = self.liquidation_discounts[_for]
if ns[0] > active_band:
# Not in liquidation - can move bands
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(xy[1], debt, convert(unsafe_add(size, 1), uint256), _for)
n2: int256 = n1 + size
AMM.deposit_range(_for, xy[1], n1, n2)
if approval:
# Update liquidation discount only if we are that same user. No rugs
liquidation_discount = self.liquidation_discount
self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
log UserState(_for, xy[1], debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
log Repay(_for, 0, d_debt)
# Underwater - cannot move band but can avoid a bad liquidation
log UserState(_for, max_value(uint256), debt, ns[0], ns[1], liquidation_discount)
log Repay(_for, 0, d_debt)
if not approval:
# Doesn't allow non-sender to repay in a way which ends with unhealthy state
# full = False to make this condition non-manipulatable (and also cheaper on gas)
assert self._health(_for, debt, False, liquidation_discount) > 0
# If we withdrew already - will burn less!
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, self, d_debt) # fail: insufficient funds
self.redeemed += d_debt[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
total_debt: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(total_debt, d_debt), d_debt)
self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul
def repay_extended(callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b"", _for: address = msg.sender):
@notice Repay loan but get a stablecoin for that from callback (to deleverage)
@param callbacker Address of the callback contract
@param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
@param _for Address to repay for
assert self._check_approval(_for)
# Before callback
ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(_for)
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(_for, 10**18)
debt: uint256 = 0
rate_mul: uint256 = 0
debt, rate_mul = self._debt(_for)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, callbacker, xy[1])
# For compatibility
callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_REPAY_WITH_BYTES
if callback_bytes == b"":
callback_sig = CALLBACK_REPAY
cb: CallbackData = self.execute_callback(
callbacker, callback_sig, _for, xy[0], xy[1], debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)
# After callback
total_stablecoins: uint256 = cb.stablecoins + xy[0]
assert total_stablecoins > 0 # dev: no coins to repay
# d_debt: uint256 = min(debt, total_stablecoins)
d_debt: uint256 = 0
# If we have more stablecoins than the debt - full repayment and closing the position
if total_stablecoins >= debt:
d_debt = debt
debt = 0
# Transfer debt to self, everything else to _for
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, cb.stablecoins)
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, self, xy[0])
if total_stablecoins > d_debt:
self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, _for, unsafe_sub(total_stablecoins, d_debt))
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, _for, cb.collateral)
log UserState(_for, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# Else - partial repayment -> deleverage, but only if we are not underwater
size: int256 = unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0])
assert ns[0] > cb.active_band
d_debt = cb.stablecoins # cb.stablecoins <= total_stablecoins < debt
debt = unsafe_sub(debt, cb.stablecoins)
# Not in liquidation - can move bands
n1: int256 = self._calculate_debt_n1(cb.collateral, debt, convert(unsafe_add(size, 1), uint256), _for)
n2: int256 = n1 + size
AMM.deposit_range(_for, cb.collateral, n1, n2)
liquidation_discount: uint256 = self.liquidation_discount
self.liquidation_discounts[_for] = liquidation_discount
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, AMM.address, cb.collateral)
# Stablecoin is all spent to repay debt -> all goes to self
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, cb.stablecoins)
# We are above active band, so xy[0] is 0 anyway
log UserState(_for, cb.collateral, debt, n1, n2, liquidation_discount)
xy[1] -= cb.collateral
# No need to check _health() because it's the _for
# Common calls which we will do regardless of whether it's a full repay or not
log Repay(_for, xy[1], d_debt)
self.redeemed += d_debt[_for] = Loan({initial_debt: debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
total_debt: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(total_debt, d_debt), d_debt)
self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul
def _health(user: address, debt: uint256, full: bool, liquidation_discount: uint256) -> int256:
@notice Returns position health normalized to 1e18 for the user.
Liquidation starts when < 0, however devaluation of collateral doesn't cause liquidation
@param user User address to calculate health for
@param debt The amount of debt to calculate health for
@param full Whether to take into account the price difference above the highest user's band
@param liquidation_discount Liquidation discount to use (can be 0)
@return Health: > 0 = good.
assert debt > 0, "Loan doesn't exist"
health: int256 = 10**18 - convert(liquidation_discount, int256)
health = unsafe_div(convert(AMM.get_x_down(user), int256) * health, convert(debt, int256)) - 10**18
if full:
ns0: int256 = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user)[0] # ns[1] > ns[0]
if ns0 > AMM.active_band(): # We are not in liquidation mode
p: uint256 = AMM.price_oracle()
p_up: uint256 = AMM.p_oracle_up(ns0)
if p > p_up:
health += convert(unsafe_div(unsafe_sub(p, p_up) * AMM.get_sum_xy(user)[1] * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, debt * BORROWED_PRECISION), int256)
return health
def health_calculator(user: address, d_collateral: int256, d_debt: int256, full: bool, N: uint256 = 0) -> int256:
@notice Health predictor in case user changes the debt or collateral
@param user Address of the user
@param d_collateral Change in collateral amount (signed)
@param d_debt Change in debt amount (signed)
@param full Whether it's a 'full' health or not
@param N Number of bands in case loan doesn't yet exist
@return Signed health value
ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user)
debt: int256 = convert(self._debt(user)[0], int256)
n: uint256 = N
ld: int256 = 0
if debt != 0:
ld = convert(self.liquidation_discounts[user], int256)
n = convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)
ld = convert(self.liquidation_discount, int256)
ns[0] = max_value(int256) # This will trigger a "re-deposit"
n1: int256 = 0
collateral: int256 = 0
x_eff: int256 = 0
debt += d_debt
assert debt > 0, "Non-positive debt"
active_band: int256 = AMM.active_band_with_skip()
if ns[0] > active_band: # re-deposit
collateral = convert(AMM.get_sum_xy(user)[1], int256) + d_collateral
n1 = self._calculate_debt_n1(convert(collateral, uint256), convert(debt, uint256), n, user)
collateral *= convert(COLLATERAL_PRECISION, int256) # now has 18 decimals
n1 = ns[0]
x_eff = convert(AMM.get_x_down(user) * unsafe_mul(10**18, BORROWED_PRECISION), int256)
debt *= convert(BORROWED_PRECISION, int256)
p0: int256 = convert(AMM.p_oracle_up(n1), int256)
if ns[0] > active_band:
x_eff = convert(self.get_y_effective(convert(collateral, uint256), n, 0), int256) * p0
health: int256 = unsafe_div(x_eff, debt)
health = health - unsafe_div(health * ld, 10**18) - 10**18
if full:
if n1 > active_band: # We are not in liquidation mode
p_diff: int256 = max(p0, convert(AMM.price_oracle(), int256)) - p0
if p_diff > 0:
health += unsafe_div(p_diff * collateral, debt)
return health
def _get_f_remove(frac: uint256, health_limit: uint256) -> uint256:
# f_remove = ((1 + h / 2) / (1 + h) * (1 - frac) + frac) * frac
f_remove: uint256 = 10 ** 18
if frac < 10 ** 18:
f_remove = unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(unsafe_add(10 ** 18, unsafe_div(health_limit, 2)), unsafe_sub(10 ** 18, frac)), unsafe_add(10 ** 18, health_limit))
f_remove = unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(unsafe_add(f_remove, frac), frac), 10 ** 18)
return f_remove
def _liquidate(user: address, min_x: uint256, health_limit: uint256, frac: uint256,
callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
@notice Perform a bad liquidation of user if the health is too bad
@param user Address of the user
@param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin withdrawn (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
@param health_limit Minimal health to liquidate at
@param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
@param callbacker Address of the callback contract
@param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
debt: uint256 = 0
rate_mul: uint256 = 0
debt, rate_mul = self._debt(user)
if health_limit != 0:
assert self._health(user, debt, True, health_limit) < 0, "Not enough rekt"
final_debt: uint256 = debt
debt = unsafe_div(debt * frac + (10**18 - 1), 10**18)
assert debt > 0
final_debt = unsafe_sub(final_debt, debt)
# Withdraw sender's stablecoin and collateral to our contract
# When frac is set - we withdraw a bit less for the same debt fraction
# f_remove = ((1 + h/2) / (1 + h) * (1 - frac) + frac) * frac
# where h is health limit.
# This is less than full h discount but more than no discount
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.withdraw(user, self._get_f_remove(frac, health_limit)) # [stable, collateral]
# x increase in same block -> price up -> good
# x decrease in same block -> price down -> bad
assert xy[0] >= min_x, "Slippage"
min_amm_burn: uint256 = min(xy[0], debt)
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, self, min_amm_burn)
if debt > xy[0]:
to_repay: uint256 = unsafe_sub(debt, xy[0])
if callbacker == empty(address):
# Withdraw collateral if no callback is present
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, xy[1])
# Request what's left from user
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, msg.sender, self, to_repay)
# Move collateral to callbacker, call it and remove everything from it back in
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, callbacker, xy[1])
# For compatibility
callback_sig: bytes4 = CALLBACK_LIQUIDATE_WITH_BYTES
if callback_bytes == b"":
# Callback
cb: CallbackData = self.execute_callback(
callbacker, callback_sig, user, xy[0], xy[1], debt, callback_args, callback_bytes)
assert cb.stablecoins >= to_repay, "not enough proceeds"
if cb.stablecoins > to_repay:
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(cb.stablecoins, to_repay))
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, callbacker, self, to_repay)
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, callbacker, msg.sender, cb.collateral)
# Withdraw collateral
self.transferFrom(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, xy[1])
# Return what's left to user
if xy[0] > debt:
self.transferFrom(BORROWED_TOKEN, AMM.address, msg.sender, unsafe_sub(xy[0], debt))
self.redeemed += debt[user] = Loan({initial_debt: final_debt, rate_mul: rate_mul})
log Repay(user, xy[1], debt)
log Liquidate(msg.sender, user, xy[1], xy[0], debt)
if final_debt == 0:
log UserState(user, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # Not logging partial removeal b/c we have not enough info
d: uint256 = self._total_debt.initial_debt * rate_mul / self._total_debt.rate_mul
self._total_debt.initial_debt = unsafe_sub(max(d, debt), debt)
self._total_debt.rate_mul = rate_mul
def liquidate(user: address, min_x: uint256):
@notice Perform a bad liquidation (or self-liquidation) of user if health is not good
@param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin to receive (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
discount: uint256 = 0
if not self._check_approval(user):
discount = self.liquidation_discounts[user]
self._liquidate(user, min_x, discount, 10**18, empty(address), [])
def liquidate_extended(user: address, min_x: uint256, frac: uint256,
callbacker: address, callback_args: DynArray[uint256,5], callback_bytes: Bytes[10**4] = b""):
@notice Perform a bad liquidation (or self-liquidation) of user if health is not good
@param min_x Minimal amount of stablecoin to receive (to avoid liquidators being sandwiched)
@param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
@param callbacker Address of the callback contract
@param callback_args Extra arguments for the callback (up to 5) such as min_amount etc
discount: uint256 = 0
if not self._check_approval(user):
discount = self.liquidation_discounts[user]
self._liquidate(user, min_x, discount, min(frac, 10**18), callbacker, callback_args, callback_bytes)
def tokens_to_liquidate(user: address, frac: uint256 = 10 ** 18) -> uint256:
@notice Calculate the amount of stablecoins to have in liquidator's wallet to liquidate a user
@param user Address of the user to liquidate
@param frac Fraction to liquidate; 100% = 10**18
@return The amount of stablecoins needed
health_limit: uint256 = 0
if not self._check_approval(user):
health_limit = self.liquidation_discounts[user]
stablecoins: uint256 = unsafe_div(AMM.get_sum_xy(user)[0] * self._get_f_remove(frac, health_limit), 10 ** 18)
debt: uint256 = unsafe_div(self._debt(user)[0] * frac, 10 ** 18)
return unsafe_sub(max(debt, stablecoins), stablecoins)
def health(user: address, full: bool = False) -> int256:
@notice Returns position health normalized to 1e18 for the user.
Liquidation starts when < 0, however devaluation of collateral doesn't cause liquidation
return self._health(user, self._debt(user)[0], full, self.liquidation_discounts[user])
def users_to_liquidate(_from: uint256=0, _limit: uint256=0) -> DynArray[Position, 1000]:
@notice Returns a dynamic array of users who can be "hard-liquidated".
This method is designed for convenience of liquidation bots.
@param _from Loan index to start iteration from
@param _limit Number of loans to look over
@return Dynamic array with detailed info about positions of users
n_loans: uint256 = self.n_loans
limit: uint256 = _limit
if _limit == 0:
limit = n_loans
ix: uint256 = _from
out: DynArray[Position, 1000] = []
for i in range(10**6):
if ix >= n_loans or i == limit:
user: address =[ix]
debt: uint256 = self._debt(user)[0]
health: int256 = self._health(user, debt, True, self.liquidation_discounts[user])
if health < 0:
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.get_sum_xy(user)
user: user,
x: xy[0],
y: xy[1],
debt: debt,
health: health
ix += 1
return out
# AMM has a nonreentrant decorator
def amm_price() -> uint256:
@notice Current price from the AMM
return AMM.get_p()
def user_prices(user: address) -> uint256[2]: # Upper, lower
@notice Lowest price of the lower band and highest price of the upper band the user has deposit in the AMM
@param user User address
@return (upper_price, lower_price)
assert AMM.has_liquidity(user)
ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user) # ns[1] > ns[0]
return [AMM.p_oracle_up(ns[0]), AMM.p_oracle_down(ns[1])]
def user_state(user: address) -> uint256[4]:
@notice Return the user state in one call
@param user User to return the state for
@return (collateral, stablecoin, debt, N)
xy: uint256[2] = AMM.get_sum_xy(user)
ns: int256[2] = AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user) # ns[1] > ns[0]
return [xy[1], xy[0], self._debt(user)[0], convert(unsafe_add(unsafe_sub(ns[1], ns[0]), 1), uint256)]
# AMM has nonreentrant decorator
def set_amm_fee(fee: uint256):
@notice Set the AMM fee (factory admin only)
@param fee The fee which should be no higher than MAX_FEE
assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
assert fee <= MAX_FEE and fee >= MIN_FEE, "Fee"
def set_monetary_policy(monetary_policy: address):
@notice Set monetary policy contract
@param monetary_policy Address of the monetary policy contract
assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
self.monetary_policy = MonetaryPolicy(monetary_policy)
log SetMonetaryPolicy(monetary_policy)
def set_borrowing_discounts(loan_discount: uint256, liquidation_discount: uint256):
@notice Set discounts at which we can borrow (defines max LTV) and where bad liquidation starts
@param loan_discount Discount which defines LTV
@param liquidation_discount Discount where bad liquidation starts
assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
assert loan_discount > liquidation_discount
assert liquidation_discount >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT
assert loan_discount <= MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT
self.liquidation_discount = liquidation_discount
self.loan_discount = loan_discount
log SetBorrowingDiscounts(loan_discount, liquidation_discount)
def set_callback(cb: address):
@notice Set liquidity mining callback
assert msg.sender == FACTORY.admin()
log SetLMCallback(cb)
def admin_fees() -> uint256:
@notice Calculate the amount of fees obtained from the interest
rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
loan: Loan = self._total_debt
loan.initial_debt = loan.initial_debt * rate_mul / loan.rate_mul + self.redeemed
minted: uint256 = self.minted
return unsafe_sub(max(loan.initial_debt, minted), minted)
def collect_fees() -> uint256:
@notice Collect the fees charged as interest.
None of this fees are collected if factory has no fee_receiver - e.g. for lending
This is by design: lending does NOT earn interest, system makes money by using crvUSD
# Calling fee_receiver will fail for lending markets because everything gets to lenders
_to: address = FACTORY.fee_receiver()
# Borrowing-based fees
rate_mul: uint256 = AMM.get_rate_mul()
loan: Loan = self._total_debt
loan.initial_debt = loan.initial_debt * rate_mul / loan.rate_mul
loan.rate_mul = rate_mul
self._total_debt = loan
# Amount which would have been redeemed if all the debt was repaid now
to_be_redeemed: uint256 = loan.initial_debt + self.redeemed
# Amount which was minted when borrowing + all previously claimed admin fees
minted: uint256 = self.minted
# Difference between to_be_redeemed and minted amount is exactly due to interest charged
if to_be_redeemed > minted:
self.minted = to_be_redeemed
to_be_redeemed = unsafe_sub(to_be_redeemed, minted) # Now this is the fees to charge
self.transfer(BORROWED_TOKEN, _to, to_be_redeemed)
log CollectFees(to_be_redeemed, loan.initial_debt)
return to_be_redeemed
log CollectFees(0, loan.initial_debt)
return 0
def check_lock() -> bool:
return True
# Allowance methods
def approve(_spender: address, _allow: bool):
@notice Allow another address to borrow and repay for the user
@param _spender Address to whitelist for the action
@param _allow Whether to turn the approval on or off (no amounts)
self.approval[msg.sender][_spender] = _allow
log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _allow)
def _check_approval(_for: address) -> bool:
return msg.sender == _for or self.approval[_for][msg.sender]
def set_extra_health(_value: uint256):
@notice Add a little bit more to loan_discount to start SL with health higher than usual
@param _value 1e18-based addition to loan_discount
self.extra_health[msg.sender] = _value
log SetExtraHealth(msg.sender, _value)