S Price: $0.439784 (+2.76%)

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import {IFeeDistributor} from "./interfaces/IFeeDistributor.sol";
import {IFeeRecipient} from "./interfaces/IFeeRecipient.sol";
import {IFeeRecipientFactory} from "./interfaces/IFeeRecipientFactory.sol";
import {Errors} from "contracts/libraries/Errors.sol";

/// @notice Pair Fees contract is used as a 1:1 pair relationship to split out fees, this ensures that the curve does not need to be modified for LP shares
contract FeeRecipient is IFeeRecipient {
    /// @notice The pair it is bonded to
    address public immutable pair;
    /// @notice voter contract which fees are gated to be claimed by
    address public immutable voter;
    /// @notice feedist contract where fees will be sent to
    address public feeDistributor;
    /// @notice factory contract for feeRecipient (legacy fees)
    address public immutable feeRecipientFactory;

    uint256 internal constant FEE_DENOM = 1_000_000;

    constructor(address _pair, address _voter, address _feeRecipientFactory) {
        pair = _pair;
        voter = _voter;
        feeRecipientFactory = _feeRecipientFactory;

    /// @notice initialize the FeeRecipient contract and approve the LP tokens to the feeDist, gated to voter
    function initialize(address _feeDistributor) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter, Errors.NOT_AUTHORIZED(msg.sender));
        feeDistributor = _feeDistributor;
        IERC20(pair).approve(_feeDistributor, type(uint256).max);

    /// @notice notifies the fees
    function notifyFees() external {
        /// @dev fetch balance of LP in the contract
        uint256 amount = IERC20(pair).balanceOf(address(this));
        /// @dev terminate early if there's no rewards
        if (amount == 0) return;
        /// @dev calculate treasury share
        uint256 feeToTreasury = IFeeRecipientFactory(feeRecipientFactory).feeToTreasury();
        /// @dev if any to treasury
        if (feeToTreasury > 0) {
            /// @dev fetch treasury from factory
            address treasury = IFeeRecipientFactory(feeRecipientFactory).treasury();
            /// @dev mulDiv
            uint256 amountToTreasury = (amount * feeToTreasury) / FEE_DENOM;
            /// @dev decrement amount
            amount -= amountToTreasury;
            /// @dev naked transfer to treasury, no staking
            IERC20(pair).transfer(treasury, amountToTreasury);

        /// @dev if there's any fees
        if (amount > 0) {
            IFeeDistributor(feeDistributor).notifyRewardAmount(pair, amount);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (interfaces/IERC20.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {IERC20} from "../token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {IVoter} from "../interfaces/IVoter.sol";
import {IVoteModule} from "../interfaces/IVoteModule.sol";

interface IFeeDistributor {
    event Deposit(address owner, uint256 amount);

    event Withdraw(address owner, uint256 amount);

    event NotifyReward(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 amount, uint256 period);

    event VotesIncentivized(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 amount, uint256 period);

    event ClaimRewards(uint256 period, address owner, address receiver, address reward, uint256 amount);

    event RewardsRedirected(address indexed destination, address indexed _reward, uint256 _amount);

    event RewardsRemoved(address _reward);

    /// @notice the address of the voter contract
    function voter() external view returns (IVoter);
    /// @notice the address of the voting module
    function voteModule() external view returns (IVoteModule);
    /// @notice the address of the feeRecipient contract
    function feeRecipient() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice the first period (epoch) that this contract was deployed
    function firstPeriod() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice balance of the voting power for a user
    /// @param owner the owner
    /// @return amount the amount of voting share
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 amount);

    /// @notice total cumulative amount of voting power per epoch
    /// @param period the period to check
    /// @return weight the amount of total voting power
    function votes(uint256 period) external view returns (uint256 weight);

    /// @notice "internal" function gated to voter to add votes
    /// @dev internal notation inherited from original solidly, kept for continuity
    function _deposit(uint256 amount, address owner) external;
    /// @notice "internal" function gated to voter to remove votes
    /// @dev internal notation inherited from original solidly, kept for continuity
    function _withdraw(uint256 amount, address owner) external;

    /// @notice function to claim rewards on behalf of another
    /// @param owner owner's address
    /// @param tokens an array of the tokens
    function getRewardForOwner(address owner, address[] memory tokens) external;

    /// @notice function to claim rewards on behalf of another
    /// @param owner owner's address
    /// @param tokens an array of the tokens
    /// @param destination destination of the rewards
    function getRewardForOwnerTo(address owner, address[] memory tokens, address destination) external;

    /// @notice function for sending fees directly to be claimable (in system where fees are distro'd through the week)
    /// @dev for lumpsum - this would operate similarly to incentivize
    /// @param token the address of the token to send for notifying
    /// @param amount the amount of token to send
    function notifyRewardAmount(address token, uint256 amount) external;

    /// @notice gives an array of reward tokens for the feedist
    /// @return _rewards array of rewards
    function getRewardTokens() external view returns (address[] memory _rewards);

    /// @notice shows the earned incentives in the feedist
    /// @param token the token address to check
    /// @param owner owner's address
    /// @return reward the amount earned/claimable
    function earned(address token, address owner) external view returns (uint256 reward);

    /// @notice function to submit incentives to voters for the upcoming flip
    /// @param token the address of the token to send for incentivization
    /// @param amount the amount of token to send
    function incentivize(address token, uint256 amount) external;

    /// @notice get the rewards for a specific period
    /// @param owner owner's address
    function getPeriodReward(uint256 period, address owner, address token) external;
    /// @notice get the fees and incentives
    function getReward(address owner, address[] memory tokens) external;

    /// @notice remove a reward from the set
    function removeReward(address _token) external;

    /// @notice claws back rewards
    function clawbackRewards(address token, address destination) external;

    /// @notice reward supply for a specific period
    function rewardSupply(uint256 period, address token) external returns (uint256);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IFeeRecipient {
    function initialize(address _feeDistributor) external;
    function notifyFees() external;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IFeeRecipientFactory {
    /// @notice the pair fees for a specific pair
    /// @param pair the pair to check
    /// @return feeRecipient the feeRecipient contract address for the pair
    function feeRecipientForPair(address pair) external view returns (address feeRecipient);

    /// @notice the last feeRecipient address created
    /// @return _feeRecipient the address of the last pair fees contract
    function lastFeeRecipient() external view returns (address _feeRecipient);
    /// @notice create the pair fees for a pair
    /// @param pair the address of the pair
    /// @return _feeRecipient the address of the newly created feeRecipient
    function createFeeRecipient(address pair) external returns (address _feeRecipient);

    /// @notice the fee % going to the treasury
    /// @return _feeToTreasury the fee %
    function feeToTreasury() external view returns (uint256 _feeToTreasury);

    /// @notice get the treasury address
    /// @return _treasury address of the treasury
    function treasury() external view returns (address _treasury);

    /// @notice set the fee % to be sent to the treasury
    /// @param _feeToTreasury the fee % to be sent to the treasury
    function setFeeToTreasury(uint256 _feeToTreasury) external;

    /// @notice set a new treasury address
    /// @param _treasury the new address
    function setTreasury(address _treasury) external;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title Central Errors Library
/// @notice Contains all custom errors used across the protocol
/// @dev Centralized error definitions to prevent redundancy
library Errors {
                                VOTER ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when attempting to interact with an already active gauge
    /// @param gauge The address of the gauge
    error ACTIVE_GAUGE(address gauge);

    /// @notice Thrown when attempting to interact with an inactive gauge
    /// @param gauge The address of the gauge
    error GAUGE_INACTIVE(address gauge);

    /// @notice Thrown when attempting to whitelist an already whitelisted token
    /// @param token The address of the token
    error ALREADY_WHITELISTED(address token);

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not authorized to perform an action
    /// @param caller The address of the unauthorized caller
    error NOT_AUTHORIZED(address caller);

    /// @notice Thrown when token is not whitelisted
    /// @param token The address of the non-whitelisted token
    error NOT_WHITELISTED(address token);

    /// @notice Thrown when both tokens in a pair are not whitelisted

    /// @notice Thrown when address is not a valid pool
    /// @param pool The invalid pool address
    error NOT_POOL(address pool);

    /// @notice Thrown when pool is not seeded in PoolUpdater
    /// @param pool The invalid pool address
    error NOT_SEEDED(address pool);

    /// @notice Thrown when contract is not initialized
    error NOT_INIT();

    /// @notice Thrown when array lengths don't match
    error LENGTH_MISMATCH();

    /// @notice Thrown when pool doesn't have an associated gauge
    /// @param pool The address of the pool
    error NO_GAUGE(address pool);

    /// @notice Thrown when rewards are already distributed for a period
    /// @param gauge The gauge address
    /// @param period The distribution period
    error ALREADY_DISTRIBUTED(address gauge, uint256 period);

    /// @notice Thrown when attempting to vote with zero amount
    /// @param pool The pool address
    error ZERO_VOTE(address pool);

    /// @notice Thrown when ratio exceeds maximum allowed
    /// @param _xRatio The excessive ratio value
    error RATIO_TOO_HIGH(uint256 _xRatio);

    /// @notice Thrown when vote operation fails

                            GAUGE V3 ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when the pool already has a gauge
    /// @param pool The address of the pool
    error GAUGE_EXISTS(address pool);

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not the voter
    /// @param caller The address of the invalid caller
    error NOT_VOTER(address caller);

    /// @notice Thrown when amount is not greater than zero
    /// @param amt The invalid amount
    error NOT_GT_ZERO(uint256 amt);

    /// @notice Thrown when attempting to claim future rewards
    error CANT_CLAIM_FUTURE();

    /// @notice Throw when gauge can't determine if using secondsInRange from the pool is safe
    error NEED_TEAM_TO_UPDATE();

                            GAUGE ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when amount is zero
    error ZERO_AMOUNT();

    /// @notice Thrown when stake notification fails
    error CANT_NOTIFY_STAKE();

    /// @notice Thrown when reward amount is too high
    error REWARD_TOO_HIGH();

    /// @notice Thrown when amount exceeds remaining balance
    /// @param amount The requested amount
    /// @param remaining The remaining balance
    error NOT_GREATER_THAN_REMAINING(uint256 amount, uint256 remaining);

    /// @notice Thrown when token operation fails
    /// @param token The address of the problematic token
    error TOKEN_ERROR(address token);

    /// @notice Thrown when an address is not an NfpManager
    error NOT_NFP_MANAGER(address nfpManager);

                        FEE DISTRIBUTOR ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when period is not finalized
    /// @param period The unfinalized period
    error NOT_FINALIZED(uint256 period);

    /// @notice Thrown when the destination of a redirect is not a feeDistributor
    /// @param destination Destination of the redirect
    error NOT_FEE_DISTRIBUTOR(address destination);

    /// @notice Thrown when the destination of a redirect's pool/pair has completely different tokens

                            PAIR ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when ratio is unstable
    error UNSTABLE_RATIO();

    /// @notice Thrown when safe transfer fails

    /// @notice Thrown on arithmetic overflow
    error OVERFLOW();

    /// @notice Thrown when skim operation is disabled
    error SKIM_DISABLED();

    /// @notice Thrown when insufficient liquidity is minted

    /// @notice Thrown when insufficient liquidity is burned

    /// @notice Thrown when output amount is insufficient

    /// @notice Thrown when input amount is insufficient

    /// @notice Generic insufficient liquidity error

    /// @notice Invalid transfer error

    /// @notice K value error in AMM
    error K();

                        PAIR FACTORY ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when fee is too high
    error FEE_TOO_HIGH();

    /// @notice Thrown when fee is zero
    error ZERO_FEE();

    /// @notice Thrown when token assortment is invalid

    /// @notice Thrown when address is zero
    error ZERO_ADDRESS();

    /// @notice Thrown when pair already exists
    error PAIR_EXISTS();

    /// @notice Thrown when fee split is invalid
    error INVALID_FEE_SPLIT();


    /// @notice Thrown when treasury fee is invalid

                            ROUTER ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when deadline has expired
    error EXPIRED();

    /// @notice Thrown when tokens are identical
    error IDENTICAL();

    /// @notice Thrown when amount is insufficient

    /// @notice Thrown when path is invalid
    error INVALID_PATH();

    /// @notice Thrown when token B amount is insufficient

    /// @notice Thrown when token A amount is insufficient

    /// @notice Thrown when input amount is excessive

    /// @notice Thrown when ETH transfer fails

    /// @notice Thrown when reserves are invalid

                            MINTER ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when epoch 0 has already started
    error STARTED();

    /// @notice Thrown when emissions haven't started

    /// @notice Thrown when deviation is too high
    error TOO_HIGH();

    /// @notice Thrown when no value change detected
    error NO_CHANGE();

    /// @notice Thrown when updating emissions in same period
    error SAME_PERIOD();

    /// @notice Thrown when contract setup is invalid

    /// @notice Thrown when legacy factory doesn't have feeSplitWhenNoGauge on

                        ACCESS HUB ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when addresses are identical
    error SAME_ADDRESS();

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not timelock
    /// @param caller The invalid caller address
    error NOT_TIMELOCK(address caller);

    /// @notice Thrown when manual execution fails
    /// @param reason The failure reason
    error MANUAL_EXECUTION_FAILURE(bytes reason);

    /// @notice Thrown when kick operation is forbidden
    /// @param target The target address
    error KICK_FORBIDDEN(address target);

                        VOTE MODULE ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not xShadow
    error NOT_XSHADOW();

    /// @notice Thrown when cooldown period is still active
    error COOLDOWN_ACTIVE();

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not vote module
    error NOT_VOTEMODULE();

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is unauthorized
    error UNAUTHORIZED();

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not access hub
    error NOT_ACCESSHUB();

    /// @notice Thrown when address is invalid
    error INVALID_ADDRESS();

                        LAUNCHER PLUGIN ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not authority
    error NOT_AUTHORITY();

    /// @notice Thrown when already an authority

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not operator
    error NOT_OPERATOR();

    /// @notice Thrown when already an operator

    /// @notice Thrown when pool is not enabled
    /// @param pool The disabled pool address
    error NOT_ENABLED(address pool);

    /// @notice Thrown when fee distributor is missing
    error NO_FEEDIST();

    /// @notice Thrown when already enabled
    error ENABLED();

    /// @notice Thrown when take value is invalid
    error INVALID_TAKE();

                            X33 ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when value is zero
    error ZERO();

    /// @notice Thrown when amount is insufficient
    error NOT_ENOUGH();

    /// @notice Thrown when value doesn't conform to scale
    /// @param value The non-conforming value
    error NOT_CONFORMED_TO_SCALE(uint256 value);

    /// @notice Thrown when contract is locked
    error LOCKED();

    /// @notice Thrown when rebase is in progress

    /// @notice Thrown when aggregator reverts
    /// @param reason The revert reason
    error AGGREGATOR_REVERTED(bytes reason);

    /// @notice Thrown when output amount is too low
    /// @param amount The insufficient amount
    error AMOUNT_OUT_TOO_LOW(uint256 amount);

    /// @notice Thrown when aggregator is not whitelisted
    /// @param aggregator The non-whitelisted aggregator address
    error AGGREGATOR_NOT_WHITELISTED(address aggregator);

    /// @notice Thrown when token is forbidden
    /// @param token The forbidden token address
    error FORBIDDEN_TOKEN(address token);

                            XSHADOW ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when caller is not minter
    error NOT_MINTER();

    /// @notice Thrown when no vest exists
    error NO_VEST();

    /// @notice Thrown when already exempt
    error ALREADY_EXEMPT();

    /// @notice Thrown when not exempt
    error NOT_EXEMPT();

    /// @notice Thrown when rescue operation is not allowed
    error CANT_RESCUE();

    /// @notice Thrown when array lengths mismatch
    error ARRAY_LENGTHS();

    /// @notice Thrown when vesting periods overlap
    error VEST_OVERLAP();

                            V3 FACTORY ERRORS

    /// @notice Thrown when tokens are identical

    /// @notice Thrown when fee is too large
    error FEE_TOO_LARGE();

    /// @notice Address zero error
    error ADDRESS_ZERO();

    /// @notice Fee zero error
    error F0();

    /// @notice Thrown when value is out of bounds
    /// @param value The out of bounds value
    error OOB(uint8 value);

                            POOL UPDATER ERRORS
    /// @notice Thrown when seeding for a pool fails
    error TRANSFER_FROM_FOR_SEEDING_FAILED(address token, uint256 amount);

    /// @notice Thrown when seeding for a pool fails
    error SEEDING_FAILED();

    /// @notice Thrown when updatePools is called too early
    error TOO_EARLY();

    /// @notice Thrown when a callback is called when an update isn't running
    error NOT_RUNNING();

    /// @notice Thrown when updatePools didn't perform any updates
    error NO_UPDATES();

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.1.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC-20 standard as defined in the ERC.
interface IERC20 {
     * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
     * another (`to`).
     * Note that `value` may be zero.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

     * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
     * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

     * @dev Returns the value of tokens in existence.
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the value of tokens owned by `account`.
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
     * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
     * zero by default.
     * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Sets a `value` amount of tokens as the allowance of `spender` over the
     * caller's tokens.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
     * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
     * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
     * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
     * desired value afterwards:
     * https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20#issuecomment-263524729
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to` using the
     * allowance mechanism. `value` is then deducted from the caller's
     * allowance.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma abicoder v2;

interface IVoter {
    event GaugeCreated(address indexed gauge, address creator, address feeDistributor, address indexed pool);

    event GaugeKilled(address indexed gauge);

    event GaugeRevived(address indexed gauge);

    event Voted(address indexed owner, uint256 weight, address indexed pool);

    event Abstained(address indexed owner, uint256 weight);

    event Deposit(address indexed lp, address indexed gauge, address indexed owner, uint256 amount);

    event Withdraw(address indexed lp, address indexed gauge, address indexed owner, uint256 amount);

    event NotifyReward(address indexed sender, address indexed reward, uint256 amount);

    event DistributeReward(address indexed sender, address indexed gauge, uint256 amount);

    event EmissionsRatio(address indexed caller, uint256 oldRatio, uint256 newRatio);

    event NewGovernor(address indexed sender, address indexed governor);

    event Whitelisted(address indexed whitelister, address indexed token);

    event WhitelistRevoked(address indexed forbidder, address indexed token, bool status);

    event MainTickSpacingChanged(address indexed token0, address indexed token1, int24 indexed newMainTickSpacing);

    event Poke(address indexed user);

    event EmissionsRedirected(address indexed sourceGauge, address indexed destinationGauge);

    struct InitializationParams {
        address shadow;
        address legacyFactory;
        address gauges;
        address feeDistributorFactory;
        address minter;
        address msig;
        address xShadow;
        address clFactory;
        address clGaugeFactory;
        address nfpManager;
        address feeRecipientFactory;
        address voteModule;
        address launcherPlugin;
        address poolUpdater;

    function initialize(InitializationParams memory inputs) external;

    /// @notice denominator basis
    function BASIS() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice ratio of xShadow emissions globally
    function xRatio() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice xShadow contract address
    function xShadow() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice legacy factory address (uni-v2/stableswap)
    function legacyFactory() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice concentrated liquidity factory
    function clFactory() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice gauge factory for CL
    function clGaugeFactory() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice pool updater for CL
    function poolUpdater() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice legacy fee recipient factory
    function feeRecipientFactory() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice peripheral NFPManager contract
    function nfpManager() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice returns the address of the current governor
    /// @return _governor address of the governor
    function governor() external view returns (address _governor);

    /// @notice the address of the vote module
    /// @return _voteModule the vote module contract address
    function voteModule() external view returns (address _voteModule);

    /// @notice address of the central access Hub
    function accessHub() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice the address of the shadow launcher plugin to enable third party launchers
    /// @return _launcherPlugin the address of the plugin
    function launcherPlugin() external view returns (address _launcherPlugin);

    /// @notice distributes emissions from the minter to the voter
    /// @param amount the amount of tokens to notify
    function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 amount) external;

    /// @notice distributes the emissions for a specific gauge
    /// @param _gauge the gauge address
    function distribute(address _gauge) external;

    /// @notice returns the address of the gauge factory
    /// @param _gaugeFactory gauge factory address
    function gaugeFactory() external view returns (address _gaugeFactory);

    /// @notice returns the address of the feeDistributor factory
    /// @return _feeDistributorFactory feeDist factory address
    function feeDistributorFactory() external view returns (address _feeDistributorFactory);

    /// @notice returns the address of the minter contract
    /// @return _minter address of the minter
    function minter() external view returns (address _minter);

    /// @notice check if the gauge is active for governance use
    /// @param _gauge address of the gauge
    /// @return _trueOrFalse if the gauge is alive
    function isAlive(address _gauge) external view returns (bool _trueOrFalse);

    /// @notice allows the token to be paired with other whitelisted assets to participate in governance
    /// @param _token the address of the token
    function whitelist(address _token) external;

    /// @notice effectively disqualifies a token from governance
    /// @param _token the address of the token
    function revokeWhitelist(address _token) external;

    /// @notice returns if the address is a gauge
    /// @param gauge address of the gauge
    /// @return _trueOrFalse boolean if the address is a gauge
    function isGauge(address gauge) external view returns (bool _trueOrFalse);

    /// @notice disable a gauge from governance
    /// @param _gauge address of the gauge
    function killGauge(address _gauge) external;

    /// @notice re-activate a dead gauge
    /// @param _gauge address of the gauge
    function reviveGauge(address _gauge) external;

    /// @notice re-cast a tokenID's votes
    /// @param owner address of the owner
    function poke(address owner) external;

    /// @notice sets the main destinationGauge of a token pairing
    /// @param tokenA address of tokenA
    /// @param tokenB address of tokenB
    /// @param destinationGauge the main gauge to set to
    function redirectEmissions(address tokenA, address tokenB, address destinationGauge) external;

    /// @notice returns if the address is a fee distributor
    /// @param _feeDistributor address of the feeDist
    /// @return _trueOrFalse if the address is a fee distributor
    function isFeeDistributor(address _feeDistributor) external view returns (bool _trueOrFalse);

    /// @notice returns the address of the emission's token
    /// @return _shadow emissions token contract address
    function shadow() external view returns (address _shadow);

    /// @notice returns the address of the pool's gauge, if any
    /// @param _pool pool address
    /// @return _gauge gauge address
    function gaugeForPool(address _pool) external view returns (address _gauge);

    /// @notice returns the address of the pool's feeDistributor, if any
    /// @param _gauge address of the gauge
    /// @return _feeDistributor address of the pool's feedist
    function feeDistributorForGauge(address _gauge) external view returns (address _feeDistributor);

    /// @notice returns the gauge address of a CL pool
    /// @param tokenA address of token A in the pair
    /// @param tokenB address of token B in the pair
    /// @param tickSpacing tickspacing of the pool
    /// @return gauge address of the gauge
    function gaugeForClPool(address tokenA, address tokenB, int24 tickSpacing) external view returns (address gauge);

    /// @notice returns the array of all tickspacings for the tokenA/tokenB combination
    /// @param tokenA address of token A in the pair
    /// @param tokenB address of token B in the pair
    /// @return _ts array of all the tickspacings
    function tickSpacingsForPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (int24[] memory _ts);

    /// @notice returns the destination of a gauge redirect
    /// @param gauge address of gauge
    function gaugeRedirect(address gauge) external view returns (address);

    /// @notice returns the block.timestamp divided by 1 week in seconds
    /// @return period the period used for gauges
    function getPeriod() external view returns (uint256 period);

    /// @notice cast a vote to direct emissions to gauges and earn incentives
    /// @param owner address of the owner
    /// @param _pools the list of pools to vote on
    /// @param _weights an arbitrary weight per pool which will be normalized to 100% regardless of numerical inputs
    function vote(address owner, address[] calldata _pools, uint256[] calldata _weights) external;

    /// @notice reset the vote of an address
    /// @param owner address of the owner
    function reset(address owner) external;

    /// @notice set the governor address
    /// @param _governor the new governor address
    function setGovernor(address _governor) external;

    /// @notice recover stuck emissions
    /// @param _gauge the gauge address
    /// @param _period the period
    function stuckEmissionsRecovery(address _gauge, uint256 _period) external;

    /// @notice creates a legacy gauge for the pool
    /// @param _pool pool's address
    /// @return _gauge address of the new gauge
    function createGauge(address _pool) external returns (address _gauge);

    /// @notice create a concentrated liquidity gauge
    /// @param tokenA the address of tokenA
    /// @param tokenB the address of tokenB
    /// @param tickSpacing the tickspacing of the pool
    /// @return _clGauge address of the new gauge
    function createCLGauge(address tokenA, address tokenB, int24 tickSpacing) external returns (address _clGauge);

    /// @notice claim concentrated liquidity gauge rewards for specific NFP token ids
    /// @param _gauges array of gauges
    /// @param _tokens two dimensional array for the tokens to claim
    /// @param _nfpTokenIds two dimensional array for the NFPs
    function claimClGaugeRewards(
        address[] calldata _gauges,
        address[][] calldata _tokens,
        uint256[][] calldata _nfpTokenIds
    ) external;

    /// @notice claim arbitrary rewards from specific feeDists
    /// @param owner address of the owner
    /// @param _feeDistributors address of the feeDists
    /// @param _tokens two dimensional array for the tokens to claim
    function claimIncentives(address owner, address[] calldata _feeDistributors, address[][] calldata _tokens)

    /// @notice claim arbitrary rewards from specific feeDists and break up legacy pairs
    /// @param owner address of the owner
    /// @param _feeDistributors address of the feeDists
    /// @param _tokens two dimensional array for the tokens to claim
    function claimLegacyIncentives(address owner, address[] calldata _feeDistributors, address[][] calldata _tokens)

    /// @notice claim arbitrary rewards from specific gauges
    /// @param _gauges address of the gauges
    /// @param _tokens two dimensional array for the tokens to claim
    function claimRewards(address[] calldata _gauges, address[][] calldata _tokens) external;

    /// @notice claim arbitrary rewards from specific legacy gauges, and exit to shadow
    /// @param _gauges address of the gauges
    /// @param _tokens two dimensional array for the tokens to claim
    function claimLegacyRewardsAndExit(address[] calldata _gauges, address[][] calldata _tokens) external;

    /// @notice claim arbitrary rewards from specific cl gauges, and exit to shadow
    /// @param _gauges address of the gauges
    /// @param _tokens two dimensional array for the tokens to claim
    /// @param _nfpTokenIds two dimensional array for the nfp to claim
    function claimClGaugeRewardsAndExit(
        address[] memory _gauges,
        address[][] memory _tokens,
        uint256[][] memory _nfpTokenIds
    ) external;

    /// @notice distribute emissions to a gauge for a specific period
    /// @param _gauge address of the gauge
    /// @param _period value of the period
    function distributeForPeriod(address _gauge, uint256 _period) external;

    /// @notice attempt distribution of emissions to all gauges
    function distributeAll() external;

    /// @notice distribute emissions to gauges by index
    /// @param startIndex start of the loop
    /// @param endIndex end of the loop
    function batchDistributeByIndex(uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex) external;

    /// @notice lets governance update lastDistro period for a gauge
    /// @dev should only be used if distribute() is running out of gas
    /// @dev gaugePeriodDistributed will stop double claiming
    /// @param _gauge gauge to update
    /// @param _period period to update to
    function updateLastDistro(address _gauge, uint256 _period) external;

    /// @notice returns the votes cast for a tokenID
    /// @param owner address of the owner
    /// @return votes an array of votes casted
    /// @return weights an array of the weights casted per pool
    function getVotes(address owner, uint256 period)
        returns (address[] memory votes, uint256[] memory weights);

    /// @notice returns an array of all the pools
    /// @return _pools the array of pools
    function getAllPools() external view returns (address[] memory _pools);

    /// @notice returns the length of pools
    function getPoolsLength() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice returns the pool at index
    function getPool(uint256 index) external view returns (address);

    /// @notice returns an array of all the gauges
    /// @return _gauges the array of gauges
    function getAllGauges() external view returns (address[] memory _gauges);

    /// @notice returns the length of gauges
    function getGaugesLength() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice returns the gauge at index
    function getGauge(uint256 index) external view returns (address);

    /// @notice returns an array of all the feeDists
    /// @return _feeDistributors the array of feeDists
    function getAllFeeDistributors() external view returns (address[] memory _feeDistributors);

    /// @notice sets the xShadowRatio default
    function setGlobalRatio(uint256 _xRatio) external;

    /// @notice whether the token is whitelisted in governance
    function isWhitelisted(address _token) external view returns (bool _tf);

    /// @notice function for removing malicious or stuffed tokens
    function removeFeeDistributorReward(address _feeDist, address _token) external;

    /// @notice returns the total votes for a pool in a specific period
    /// @param pool the pool address to check
    /// @param period the period to check
    /// @return votes the total votes for the pool in that period
    function poolTotalVotesPerPeriod(address pool, uint256 period) external view returns (uint256 votes);

    /// @notice returns the pool address for a given gauge
    /// @param gauge address of the gauge
    /// @return pool address of the pool
    function poolForGauge(address gauge) external view returns (address pool);

    /// @notice returns the pool address for a given feeDistributor
    /// @param feeDistributor address of the feeDistributor
    /// @return pool address of the pool
    function poolForFeeDistributor(address feeDistributor) external view returns (address pool);

    /// @notice returns the voting power used by a voter for a period
    /// @param user address of the user
    /// @param period the period to check
    function userVotingPowerPerPeriod(address user, uint256 period) external view returns (uint256 votingPower);

    /// @notice returns the total votes for a specific period
    /// @param period the period to check
    /// @return weight the total votes for that period
    function totalVotesPerPeriod(uint256 period) external view returns (uint256 weight);

    /// @notice returns the total rewards allocated for a specific period
    /// @param period the period to check
    /// @return amount the total rewards for that period
    function totalRewardPerPeriod(uint256 period) external view returns (uint256 amount);

    /// @notice returns the last distribution period for a gauge
    /// @param _gauge address of the gauge
    /// @return period the last period distributions occurred
    function lastDistro(address _gauge) external view returns (uint256 period);

    /// @notice returns if the gauge is a Cl gauge
    /// @param gauge the gauge to check
    function isClGauge(address gauge) external view returns (bool);

    /// @notice returns if the gauge is a legacy gauge
    /// @param gauge the gauge to check
    function isLegacyGauge(address gauge) external view returns (bool);

    /// @notice sets a new NFP manager
    function setNfpManager(address _nfpManager) external;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IVoteModule {
     * Events
    event Deposit(address indexed from, uint256 amount);

    event Withdraw(address indexed from, uint256 amount);

    event NotifyReward(address indexed from, uint256 amount);

    event ClaimRewards(address indexed from, uint256 amount);

    event ExemptedFromCooldown(address indexed candidate, bool status);

    event NewDuration(uint256 oldDuration, uint256 newDuration);

    event NewCooldown(uint256 oldCooldown, uint256 newCooldown);

    event Delegate(address indexed delegator, address indexed delegatee, bool indexed isAdded);

    event SetAdmin(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool indexed isAdded);

     * Functions
    function delegates(address) external view returns (address);
    /// @notice mapping for admins for a specific address
    /// @param owner the owner to check against
    /// @return operator the address that is designated as an admin/operator
    function admins(address owner) external view returns (address operator);

    function accessHub() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice reward supply for a period
    function rewardSupply(uint256 period) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice user claimed reward amount for a period
    /// @dev same mapping order as FeeDistributor so the name is a bit odd
    function userClaimed(uint256 period, address owner) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice last claimed period for a user
    function userLastClaimPeriod(address owner) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice returns the current period
    function getPeriod() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice returns the amount of unclaimed rebase earned by the user
    function earned(address account) external view returns (uint256 _reward);

    /// @notice returns the amount of unclaimed rebase earned by the user for a period
    function periodEarned(uint256 period, address user) external view returns (uint256 amount);

    /// @notice the time which users can deposit and withdraw
    function unlockTime() external view returns (uint256 _timestamp);

    /// @notice claims pending rebase rewards
    function getReward() external;

    /// @notice claims pending rebase rewards for a period
    function getPeriodReward(uint256 period) external;

    /// @notice allows users to set their own last claimed period in case they haven't claimed in a while
    /// @param period the new period to start loops from
    function setUserLastClaimPeriod(uint256 period) external;

    /// @notice deposits all xShadow in the caller's wallet
    function depositAll() external;

    /// @notice deposit a specified amount of xShadow
    function deposit(uint256 amount) external;

    /// @notice withdraw all xShadow
    function withdrawAll() external;

    /// @notice withdraw a specified amount of xShadow
    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external;

    /// @notice check for admin perms
    /// @param operator the address to check
    /// @param owner the owner to check against for permissions
    function isAdminFor(address operator, address owner) external view returns (bool approved);

    /// @notice check for delegations
    /// @param delegate the address to check
    /// @param owner the owner to check against for permissions
    function isDelegateFor(address delegate, address owner) external view returns (bool approved);

    /// @notice used by the xShadow contract to notify pending rebases
    /// @param amount the amount of Shadow to be notified from exit penalties
    function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 amount) external;

    /// @notice the address of the xShadow token (staking/voting token)
    /// @return _xShadow the address
    function xShadow() external view returns (address _xShadow);

    /// @notice address of the voter contract
    /// @return _voter the voter contract address
    function voter() external view returns (address _voter);

    /// @notice returns the total voting power (equal to total supply in the VoteModule)
    /// @return _totalSupply the total voting power
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 _totalSupply);

    /// @notice voting power
    /// @param user the address to check
    /// @return amount the staked balance
    function balanceOf(address user) external view returns (uint256 amount);

    /// @notice delegate voting perms to another address
    /// @param delegatee who you delegate to
    /// @dev set address(0) to revoke
    function delegate(address delegatee) external;

    /// @notice give admin permissions to a another address
    /// @param operator the address to give administrative perms to
    /// @dev set address(0) to revoke
    function setAdmin(address operator) external;

    function cooldownExempt(address) external view returns (bool);

    function setCooldownExemption(address, bool) external;

    /// @notice lock period after rebase starts accruing
    function cooldown() external returns (uint256);

    function setNewCooldown(uint256) external;

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