S Price: $0.50406 (-0.89%)

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

 * @title IDecapacitor interface
 * @notice Interface for a contract that verifies if a packed message is part of a packet or not
interface IDecapacitor {
     * @notice Returns true if packed message is part of root.
     * @param root_ root hash of the packet.
     * @param packedMessage_ packed message which needs to be verified.
     * @param proof_ proof used to determine the inclusion
     * @dev This function is kept as view instead of pure, as in future we may have stateful decapacitors
     * @return isIncluded boolean indicating whether the message is included in the packet or not.
    function verifyMessageInclusion(
        bytes32 root_,
        bytes32 packedMessage_,
        bytes calldata proof_
    ) external returns (bool isIncluded);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

 * @title Execution Manager Interface
 * @dev This interface defines the functions for managing and executing transactions on external chains
 * @dev It is also responsible for collecting all the socket fees, which can then be pulled by others
interface IExecutionManager {
    struct ExecutionFeesParam {
        // for calculating perGasCost * gasLimit
        uint80 perGasCost;
        // for calculating cost for executing payload (needed for rollups)
        uint80 perByteCost;
        // additional cost (differs based on chain)
        uint80 overhead;

     * @notice Returns the executor of the packed message and whether the executor is authorized
     * @param packedMessage The message packed with payload, fees and config
     * @param sig The signature of the message
     * @return The address of the executor and a boolean indicating if the executor is authorized
    function isExecutor(
        bytes32 packedMessage,
        bytes memory sig
    ) external view returns (address, bool);

     * @notice Pays the fees for executing a transaction on the external chain
     * @dev This function is payable and assumes the socket is going to send correct amount of fees.
     * @param minMsgGasLimit_ The minimum gas limit for the transaction
     * @param payloadSize_ The payload size in bytes
     * @param executionParams_ Extra params for execution
     * @param transmissionParams_ Extra params for transmission
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ Sibling chain identifier
     * @param switchboardFees_ fee charged by switchboard for processing transaction
     * @param verificationOverheadFees_ fee charged for verifying transaction
     * @param transmitManager_ The transmitManager address
     * @param switchboard_ The switchboard address
     * @param maxPacketLength_ The maxPacketLength for the capacitor
    function payAndCheckFees(
        uint256 minMsgGasLimit_,
        uint256 payloadSize_,
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        bytes32 transmissionParams_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        uint128 switchboardFees_,
        uint128 verificationOverheadFees_,
        address transmitManager_,
        address switchboard_,
        uint256 maxPacketLength_
    ) external payable returns (uint128, uint128);

     * @notice Returns the minimum fees required for executing a transaction on the external chain
     * @param minMsgGasLimit_ minMsgGasLimit_
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ The destination slug
     * @return The minimum fees required for executing the transaction
    function getMinFees(
        uint256 minMsgGasLimit_,
        uint256 payloadSize_,
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_
    ) external view returns (uint128);

     * @notice function for getting the minimum fees required for executing and transmitting a cross-chain transaction
     * @dev this function is called at source to calculate the execution cost.
     * @param payloadSize_ byte length of payload. Currently only used to check max length, later on will be used for fees calculation.
     * @param executionParams_ Can be used for providing extra information. Currently used for msgValue
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ Sibling chain identifier
     * @return minExecutionFee : Minimum fees required for executing the transaction
    function getExecutionTransmissionMinFees(
        uint256 minMsgGasLimit_,
        uint256 payloadSize_,
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        bytes32 transmissionParams_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        address transmitManager_
    ) external view returns (uint128, uint128);

     * @notice Updates the execution fees for an executor and message ID
     * @param executor The executor address
     * @param executionFees The execution fees to update
     * @param msgId The ID of the message
    function updateExecutionFees(
        address executor,
        uint128 executionFees,
        bytes32 msgId
    ) external;

     * @notice updates the transmission fee
     * @param remoteChainSlug_ sibling chain identifier
     * @param transmitMinFees_ transmission fees collected
    function setTransmissionMinFees(
        uint32 remoteChainSlug_,
        uint128 transmitMinFees_
    ) external;

     * @notice sets the minimum execution fees required for executing at `siblingChainSlug_`
     * @dev this function currently sets the price for a constant msg gas limit and payload size
     * @param nonce_ incremental id to prevent signature replay
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ sibling chain identifier
     * @param executionFees_ total fees where price in destination native token is converted to source native tokens
     * @param signature_ signature of fee updater
    function setExecutionFees(
        uint256 nonce_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        ExecutionFeesParam calldata executionFees_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external;

     * @notice sets the min limit for msg value for `siblingChainSlug_`
     * @param nonce_ incremental id to prevent signature replay
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ sibling chain identifier
     * @param msgValueMinThreshold_ min msg value
     * @param signature_ signature of fee updater
    function setMsgValueMinThreshold(
        uint256 nonce_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        uint256 msgValueMinThreshold_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external;

     * @notice sets the max limit for msg value for `siblingChainSlug_`
     * @param nonce_ incremental id to prevent signature replay
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ sibling chain identifier
     * @param msgValueMaxThreshold_ max msg value
     * @param signature_ signature of fee updater
    function setMsgValueMaxThreshold(
        uint256 nonce_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        uint256 msgValueMaxThreshold_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external;

     * @notice sets the relative token price for `siblingChainSlug_`
     * @dev this function is expected to be called frequently to match the original prices
     * @param nonce_ incremental id to prevent signature replay
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ sibling chain identifier
     * @param relativeNativeTokenPrice_ relative price
     * @param signature_ signature of fee updater
    function setRelativeNativeTokenPrice(
        uint256 nonce_,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        uint256 relativeNativeTokenPrice_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external;

     * @notice called by socket while executing message to validate if the msg value provided is enough
     * @param executionParams_ a bytes32 string where first byte gives param type (if value is 0 or not)
     * and remaining bytes give the msg value needed
     * @param msgValue_ msg.value to be sent with inbound
    function verifyParams(
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        uint256 msgValue_
    ) external view;

     * @notice withdraws switchboard fees from contract
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ withdraw fees corresponding to this slug
     * @param amount_ withdraw amount
    function withdrawSwitchboardFees(
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        address switchboard_,
        uint128 amount_
    ) external;

     * @dev this function gets the transmitManager address from the socket contract. If it is ever upgraded in socket,
     * @dev remove the fees from executionManager first, and then upgrade address at socket.
     * @notice withdraws transmission fees from contract
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ withdraw fees corresponding to this slug
     * @param amount_ withdraw amount
    function withdrawTransmissionFees(
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        uint128 amount_
    ) external;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

 * @title Signature Verifier
 * @notice Verifies the signatures and returns the address of signer recovered from the input signature or digest.
interface ISignatureVerifier {
     * @notice returns the address of signer recovered from input signature and digest
    function recoverSigner(
        bytes32 digest_,
        bytes memory signature_
    ) external pure returns (address signer);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "./ITransmitManager.sol";
import "./IExecutionManager.sol";

 * @title ISocket
 * @notice An interface for a cross-chain communication contract
 * @dev This interface provides methods for transmitting and executing messages between chains,
 * connecting a plug to a remote chain and setting up switchboards for the message transmission
 * This interface also emits events for important operations such as message transmission, execution status,
 * and plug connection
interface ISocket {
     * @notice A struct containing fees required for message transmission and execution
     * @param transmissionFees fees needed for transmission
     * @param switchboardFees fees needed by switchboard
     * @param executionFee fees needed for execution
    struct Fees {
        uint128 transmissionFees;
        uint128 executionFee;
        uint128 switchboardFees;

     * @title MessageDetails
     * @dev This struct defines the details of a message to be executed in a Decapacitor contract.
    struct MessageDetails {
        // A unique identifier for the message.
        bytes32 msgId;
        // The fee to be paid for executing the message.
        uint256 executionFee;
        // The min amount of gas that can be used to execute the message.
        uint256 minMsgGasLimit;
        // The extra params which might provide msg value and additional info needed for message exec
        bytes32 executionParams;
        // The payload data to be executed in the message.
        bytes payload;

     * @title ExecutionDetails
     * @dev This struct defines the execution details
    struct ExecutionDetails {
        // packet id
        bytes32 packetId;
        // proposal count
        uint256 proposalCount;
        // gas limit needed to execute inbound
        uint256 executionGasLimit;
        // proof data required by the Decapacitor contract to verify the message's authenticity
        bytes decapacitorProof;
        // signature of executor
        bytes signature;

     * @notice emits the status of message after inbound call
     * @param msgId msg id which is executed
    event ExecutionSuccess(bytes32 msgId);

     * @notice emits the config set by a plug for a remoteChainSlug
     * @param plug address of plug on current chain
     * @param siblingChainSlug sibling chain slug
     * @param siblingPlug address of plug on sibling chain
     * @param inboundSwitchboard inbound switchboard (select from registered options)
     * @param outboundSwitchboard outbound switchboard (select from registered options)
     * @param capacitor capacitor selected based on outbound switchboard
     * @param decapacitor decapacitor selected based on inbound switchboard
    event PlugConnected(
        address plug,
        uint32 siblingChainSlug,
        address siblingPlug,
        address inboundSwitchboard,
        address outboundSwitchboard,
        address capacitor,
        address decapacitor

     * @notice registers a message
     * @dev Packs the message and includes it in a packet with capacitor
     * @param remoteChainSlug_ the remote chain slug
     * @param minMsgGasLimit_ the gas limit needed to execute the payload on remote
     * @param payload_ the data which is needed by plug at inbound call on remote
    function outbound(
        uint32 remoteChainSlug_,
        uint256 minMsgGasLimit_,
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        bytes32 transmissionParams_,
        bytes calldata payload_
    ) external payable returns (bytes32 msgId);

     * @notice executes a message
     * @param executionDetails_ the packet details, proof and signature needed for message execution
     * @param messageDetails_ the message details
    function execute(
        ISocket.ExecutionDetails calldata executionDetails_,
        ISocket.MessageDetails calldata messageDetails_
    ) external payable;

     * @notice seals data in capacitor for specific batchSize
     * @param batchSize_ size of batch to be sealed
     * @param capacitorAddress_ address of capacitor
     * @param signature_ signed Data needed for verification
    function seal(
        uint256 batchSize_,
        address capacitorAddress_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external payable;

     * @notice proposes a packet
     * @param packetId_ packet id
     * @param root_ root data
     * @param switchboard_ The address of switchboard for which this packet is proposed
     * @param signature_ signed Data needed for verification
    function proposeForSwitchboard(
        bytes32 packetId_,
        bytes32 root_,
        address switchboard_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external payable;

     * @notice sets the config specific to the plug
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ the sibling chain slug
     * @param siblingPlug_ address of plug present at sibling chain to call inbound
     * @param inboundSwitchboard_ the address of switchboard to use for receiving messages
     * @param outboundSwitchboard_ the address of switchboard to use for sending messages
    function connect(
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        address siblingPlug_,
        address inboundSwitchboard_,
        address outboundSwitchboard_
    ) external;

     * @notice deploy capacitor and decapacitor for a switchboard with a specified max packet length, sibling chain slug, and capacitor type.
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ The slug of the sibling chain that the switchboard is registered with.
     * @param maxPacketLength_ The maximum length of a packet allowed by the switchboard.
     * @param capacitorType_ The type of capacitor that the switchboard uses.
     * @param siblingSwitchboard_ The switchboard address deployed on `siblingChainSlug_`
    function registerSwitchboardForSibling(
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        uint256 maxPacketLength_,
        uint256 capacitorType_,
        address siblingSwitchboard_
    ) external returns (address capacitor, address decapacitor);

     * @notice Emits the sibling switchboard for given `siblingChainSlug_`.
     * @dev This function is expected to be only called by switchboard.
     * @dev the event emitted is tracked by transmitters to decide which switchboard a packet should be proposed on
     * @param siblingChainSlug_ The slug of the sibling chain
     * @param siblingSwitchboard_ The switchboard address deployed on `siblingChainSlug_`
    function useSiblingSwitchboard(
        uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
        address siblingSwitchboard_
    ) external;

     * @notice Retrieves the packet id roots for a specified packet id.
     * @param packetId_ The packet id for which to retrieve the root.
     * @param proposalCount_ The proposal id for packetId_ for which to retrieve the root.
     * @param switchboard_ The address of switchboard for which this packet is proposed
     * @return The packet id roots for the specified packet id.
    function packetIdRoots(
        bytes32 packetId_,
        uint256 proposalCount_,
        address switchboard_
    ) external view returns (bytes32);

     * @notice Retrieves the latest proposalCount for a packet id.
     * @return The proposal count for the specified packet id.
    function proposalCount(bytes32 packetId_) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Retrieves the minimum fees required for a message with a specified gas limit and destination chain.
     * @param minMsgGasLimit_ The gas limit of the message.
     * @param remoteChainSlug_ The slug of the destination chain for the message.
     * @param plug_ The address of the plug through which the message is sent.
     * @return totalFees The minimum fees required for the specified message.
    function getMinFees(
        uint256 minMsgGasLimit_,
        uint256 payloadSize_,
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        bytes32 transmissionParams_,
        uint32 remoteChainSlug_,
        address plug_
    ) external view returns (uint256 totalFees);

    /// return instance of transmit manager
    function transmitManager__() external view returns (ITransmitManager);

    /// return instance of execution manager
    function executionManager__() external view returns (IExecutionManager);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

 * @title ITransmitManager
 * @dev The interface for a transmit manager contract
interface ITransmitManager {
     * @notice Checks if a given transmitter is authorized to send transactions to the destination chain.
     * @param siblingSlug The unique identifier for the sibling chain.
     * @param digest The digest of the message being signed.
     * @param signature The signature of the message being signed.
     * @return The address of the transmitter and a boolean indicating whether the transmitter is authorized or not.
    function checkTransmitter(
        uint32 siblingSlug,
        bytes32 digest,
        bytes calldata signature
    ) external view returns (address, bool);

     * @notice sets the transmission fee needed to transmit message to given `siblingSlug_`
     * @dev recovered address should add have feeUpdater role for `siblingSlug_`
     * @param nonce_ The incremental nonce to prevent signature replay
     * @param siblingSlug_ sibling id for which fee updater is registered
     * @param transmissionFees_ digest which is signed by transmitter
     * @param signature_ signature
    function setTransmissionFees(
        uint256 nonce_,
        uint32 siblingSlug_,
        uint128 transmissionFees_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external;

     * @notice receives fees from Execution manager
     * @dev this function can be used to keep track of fees received for each slug
     * @param siblingSlug_ sibling id for which fee updater is registered
    function receiveFees(uint32 siblingSlug_) external payable;

pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "../../interfaces/IDecapacitor.sol";
import "../../interfaces/ISocket.sol";
import "../../interfaces/ISignatureVerifier.sol";
import {TRANSMITTER_ROLE, EXECUTOR_ROLE} from "../../utils/AccessRoles.sol";
import "../../utils/AccessControlExtended.sol";

contract SimulatorUtils is AccessControlExtended {
    ISocket public socket__;
    ISignatureVerifier public signatureVerifier__;

    error InsufficientMsgValue();

        address socket_,
        address signatureVerifier_,
        address signer_,
        uint32 siblingSlug_
    ) AccessControlExtended(msg.sender) {
        socket__ = ISocket(socket_);
        signatureVerifier__ = ISignatureVerifier(signatureVerifier_);
        _grantRoleWithSlug(TRANSMITTER_ROLE, siblingSlug_, signer_);
        _grantRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, signer_);

    // TM
    function checkTransmitter(
        uint32 siblingSlug_,
        bytes32 digest_,
        bytes calldata signature_
    ) external view returns (address, bool) {
        address transmitter = signatureVerifier__.recoverSigner(
        _hasRoleWithSlug(TRANSMITTER_ROLE, siblingSlug_, transmitter);

        return (transmitter, true);

    // EM
    function updateExecutionFees(address, uint128, bytes32) external view {
        if (msg.sender != address(socket__)) return;

    function verifyParams(
        bytes32 executionParams_,
        uint256 msgValue_
    ) external pure {
        uint256 params = uint256(executionParams_);
        uint8 paramType = uint8(params >> 248);

        if (paramType == 0) return;
        uint256 expectedMsgValue = uint256(uint248(params));
        if (msgValue_ < expectedMsgValue) revert InsufficientMsgValue();

    function isExecutor(
        bytes32 packedMessage,
        bytes memory sig
    ) external view returns (address executor, bool isValidExecutor) {
        executor = signatureVerifier__.recoverSigner(packedMessage, sig);
        _hasRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, executor);
        isValidExecutor = true;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "./Ownable.sol";

 * @title AccessControl
 * @dev This abstract contract implements access control mechanism based on roles.
 * Each role can have one or more addresses associated with it, which are granted
 * permission to execute functions with the onlyRole modifier.
abstract contract AccessControl is Ownable {
     * @dev A mapping of roles to a mapping of addresses to boolean values indicating whether or not they have the role.
    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(address => bool)) private _permits;

     * @dev Emitted when a role is granted to an address.
    event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed grantee);

     * @dev Emitted when a role is revoked from an address.
    event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed revokee);

     * @dev Error message thrown when an address does not have permission to execute a function with onlyRole modifier.
    error NoPermit(bytes32 role);

     * @dev Constructor that sets the owner of the contract.
    constructor(address owner_) Ownable(owner_) {}

     * @dev Modifier that restricts access to addresses having roles
     * Throws an error if the caller do not have permit
    modifier onlyRole(bytes32 role) {
        if (!_permits[role][msg.sender]) revert NoPermit(role);

     * @dev Checks and reverts if an address do not have a specific role.
     * @param role_ The role to check.
     * @param address_ The address to check.
    function _checkRole(bytes32 role_, address address_) internal virtual {
        if (!_hasRole(role_, address_)) revert NoPermit(role_);

     * @dev Grants a role to a given address.
     * @param role_ The role to grant.
     * @param grantee_ The address to grant the role to.
     * Emits a RoleGranted event.
     * Can only be called by the owner of the contract.
    function grantRole(
        bytes32 role_,
        address grantee_
    ) external virtual onlyOwner {
        _grantRole(role_, grantee_);

     * @dev Revokes a role from a given address.
     * @param role_ The role to revoke.
     * @param revokee_ The address to revoke the role from.
     * Emits a RoleRevoked event.
     * Can only be called by the owner of the contract.
    function revokeRole(
        bytes32 role_,
        address revokee_
    ) external virtual onlyOwner {
        _revokeRole(role_, revokee_);

     * @dev Internal function to grant a role to a given address.
     * @param role_ The role to grant.
     * @param grantee_ The address to grant the role to.
     * Emits a RoleGranted event.
    function _grantRole(bytes32 role_, address grantee_) internal {
        _permits[role_][grantee_] = true;
        emit RoleGranted(role_, grantee_);

     * @dev Internal function to revoke a role from a given address.
     * @param role_ The role to revoke.
     * @param revokee_ The address to revoke the role from.
     * Emits a RoleRevoked event.
    function _revokeRole(bytes32 role_, address revokee_) internal {
        _permits[role_][revokee_] = false;
        emit RoleRevoked(role_, revokee_);

     * @dev Checks whether an address has a specific role.
     * @param role_ The role to check.
     * @param address_ The address to check.
     * @return A boolean value indicating whether or not the address has the role.
    function hasRole(
        bytes32 role_,
        address address_
    ) external view returns (bool) {
        return _hasRole(role_, address_);

    function _hasRole(
        bytes32 role_,
        address address_
    ) internal view returns (bool) {
        return _permits[role_][address_];

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "./AccessControl.sol";

 * @title AccessControlExtended
 * @dev This contract extends the functionality of the AccessControl contract by adding
 * the ability to grant and revoke roles based on a combination of role name and a chain slug.
 * It also provides batch operations for granting and revoking roles.
contract AccessControlExtended is AccessControl {
     * @dev Constructor that sets the owner of the contract.
    constructor(address owner_) AccessControl(owner_) {}

     * @dev thrown when array lengths are not equal
    error UnequalArrayLengths();

     * @dev Checks if an address has the role.
     * @param roleName_ The name of the role.
     * @param chainSlug_ The chain slug associated with the role.
     * @param address_ The address to be granted the role.
    function _checkRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint256 chainSlug_,
        address address_
    ) internal virtual {
        bytes32 roleHash = keccak256(abi.encode(roleName_, chainSlug_));
        if (!_hasRole(roleHash, address_)) revert NoPermit(roleHash);

     * @dev Grants a role to an address based on the role name and chain slug.
     * @param roleName_ The name of the role.
     * @param chainSlug_ The chain slug associated with the role.
     * @param grantee_ The address to be granted the role.
    function grantRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint32 chainSlug_,
        address grantee_
    ) external virtual onlyOwner {
        _grantRoleWithSlug(roleName_, chainSlug_, grantee_);

     * @dev Grants multiple roles to multiple addresses in batch.
     * @param roleNames_ The names of the roles to grant.
     * @param slugs_ The slugs for chain specific roles. For roles which are not chain-specific, we can use slug = 0
     * @param grantees_ The addresses to be granted the roles.
    function grantBatchRole(
        bytes32[] calldata roleNames_,
        uint32[] calldata slugs_,
        address[] calldata grantees_
    ) external virtual onlyOwner {
        if (
            roleNames_.length != grantees_.length ||
            roleNames_.length != slugs_.length
        ) revert UnequalArrayLengths();
        uint256 totalRoles = roleNames_.length;
        for (uint256 index = 0; index < totalRoles; ) {
            if (slugs_[index] > 0)
            else _grantRole(roleNames_[index], grantees_[index]);

            // inputs are controlled by owner
            unchecked {

     * @dev Revokes multiple roles from multiple addresses in batch.
     * @param roleNames_ The names of the roles to revoke.
     * @param slugs_ The slugs for chain specific roles. For roles which are not chain-specific, we can use slug = 0
     * @param grantees_ The addresses to be revoked the roles.
    function revokeBatchRole(
        bytes32[] calldata roleNames_,
        uint32[] calldata slugs_,
        address[] calldata grantees_
    ) external virtual onlyOwner {
        if (
            roleNames_.length != grantees_.length ||
            roleNames_.length != slugs_.length
        ) revert UnequalArrayLengths();
        uint256 totalRoles = roleNames_.length;
        for (uint256 index = 0; index < totalRoles; ) {
            if (slugs_[index] > 0)
            else _revokeRole(roleNames_[index], grantees_[index]);

            // inputs are controlled by owner
            unchecked {

    function _grantRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint32 chainSlug_,
        address grantee_
    ) internal {
        _grantRole(keccak256(abi.encode(roleName_, chainSlug_)), grantee_);

     * @dev Checks if an address has a role based on the role name and chain slug.
     * @param roleName_ The name of the role.
     * @param chainSlug_ The chain slug associated with the role.
     * @param address_ The address to check for the role.
     * @return A boolean indicating whether the address has the specified role.
    function hasRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint32 chainSlug_,
        address address_
    ) external view returns (bool) {
        return _hasRoleWithSlug(roleName_, chainSlug_, address_);

    function _hasRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint32 chainSlug_,
        address address_
    ) internal view returns (bool) {
        return _hasRole(keccak256(abi.encode(roleName_, chainSlug_)), address_);

     * @dev Revokes roles from an address
     * @param roleName_ The names of the roles to revoke.
     * @param chainSlug_ The chain slug associated with the role.
     * @param grantee_ The addresses to be revoked the roles.
    function revokeRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint32 chainSlug_,
        address grantee_
    ) external virtual onlyOwner {
        _revokeRoleWithSlug(roleName_, chainSlug_, grantee_);

    function _revokeRoleWithSlug(
        bytes32 roleName_,
        uint32 chainSlug_,
        address revokee_
    ) internal {
        _revokeRole(keccak256(abi.encode(roleName_, chainSlug_)), revokee_);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

// contains role hashes used in socket dl for various different operations

// used to rescue funds
bytes32 constant RESCUE_ROLE = keccak256("RESCUE_ROLE");
// used to withdraw fees
bytes32 constant WITHDRAW_ROLE = keccak256("WITHDRAW_ROLE");
// used to trip switchboards
bytes32 constant TRIP_ROLE = keccak256("TRIP_ROLE");
// used to un trip switchboards
bytes32 constant UN_TRIP_ROLE = keccak256("UN_TRIP_ROLE");
// used by governance
bytes32 constant GOVERNANCE_ROLE = keccak256("GOVERNANCE_ROLE");
//used by executors which executes message at destination
bytes32 constant EXECUTOR_ROLE = keccak256("EXECUTOR_ROLE");
// used by transmitters who seal and propose packets in socket
bytes32 constant TRANSMITTER_ROLE = keccak256("TRANSMITTER_ROLE");
// used by switchboard watchers who work against transmitters
bytes32 constant WATCHER_ROLE = keccak256("WATCHER_ROLE");
// used by fee updaters responsible for updating fees at switchboards, transmit manager and execution manager
bytes32 constant FEES_UPDATER_ROLE = keccak256("FEES_UPDATER_ROLE");

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

 * @title Ownable
 * @dev The Ownable contract provides a simple way to manage ownership of a contract
 * and allows for ownership to be transferred to a nominated address.
abstract contract Ownable {
    address private _owner;
    address private _nominee;

    event OwnerNominated(address indexed nominee);
    event OwnerClaimed(address indexed claimer);

    error OnlyOwner();
    error OnlyNominee();

     * @dev Sets the contract's owner to the address that is passed to the constructor.
    constructor(address owner_) {

     * @dev Modifier that restricts access to only the contract's owner.
     * Throws an error if the caller is not the owner.
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        if (msg.sender != _owner) revert OnlyOwner();

     * @dev Returns the current owner of the contract.
    function owner() external view returns (address) {
        return _owner;

     * @dev Returns the current nominee for ownership of the contract.
    function nominee() external view returns (address) {
        return _nominee;

     * @dev Allows the current owner to nominate a new owner for the contract.
     * Throws an error if the caller is not the owner.
     * Emits an `OwnerNominated` event with the address of the nominee.
    function nominateOwner(address nominee_) external {
        if (msg.sender != _owner) revert OnlyOwner();
        _nominee = nominee_;
        emit OwnerNominated(_nominee);

     * @dev Allows the nominated owner to claim ownership of the contract.
     * Throws an error if the caller is not the nominee.
     * Sets the nominated owner as the new owner of the contract.
     * Emits an `OwnerClaimed` event with the address of the new owner.
    function claimOwner() external {
        if (msg.sender != _nominee) revert OnlyNominee();

     * @dev Internal function that sets the owner of the contract to the specified address
     * and sets the nominee to address(0).
    function _claimOwner(address claimer_) internal {
        _owner = claimer_;
        _nominee = address(0);
        emit OwnerClaimed(claimer_);

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