Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : Vault
# @version 0.3.10
# pragma optimize codesize
# pragma evm-version shanghai
@title Vault
@notice ERC4626+ Vault for lending with crvUSD using LLAMMA algorithm
@author Curve.Fi
@license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2020-2024 - all rights reserved
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20 as ERC20Spec
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20Detailed
implements: ERC20Spec
implements: ERC20Detailed
interface ERC20:
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
def decimals() -> uint256: view
def balanceOf(_from: address) -> uint256: view
def symbol() -> String[32]: view
def name() -> String[64]: view
interface AMM:
def set_admin(_admin: address): nonpayable
def rate() -> uint256: view
interface Controller:
def total_debt() -> uint256: view
def monetary_policy() -> address: view
def check_lock() -> bool: view
def save_rate(): nonpayable
interface PriceOracle:
def price() -> uint256: view
def price_w() -> uint256: nonpayable
interface Factory:
def admin() -> address: view
# ERC20 events
event Approval:
owner: indexed(address)
spender: indexed(address)
value: uint256
event Transfer:
sender: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
value: uint256
# ERC4626 events
event Deposit:
sender: indexed(address)
owner: indexed(address)
assets: uint256
shares: uint256
event Withdraw:
sender: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
owner: indexed(address)
assets: uint256
shares: uint256
event SetMaxSupply:
max_supply: uint256
# Limits
MIN_A: constant(uint256) = 2
MAX_A: constant(uint256) = 10000
MIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**6 # 1e-12, still needs to be above 0
MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**17 # 10%
MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**17
MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT: constant(uint256) = 10**16
ADMIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 0
# These are virtual shares from method proposed by OpenZeppelin
# see:
# and
DEAD_SHARES: constant(uint256) = 1000
MIN_ASSETS: constant(uint256) = 10000
borrowed_token: public(ERC20)
collateral_token: public(ERC20)
price_oracle: public(PriceOracle)
amm: public(AMM)
controller: public(Controller)
factory: public(Factory)
maxSupply: public(uint256)
# ERC20 publics
decimals: public(constant(uint8)) = 18
name: public(String[64])
symbol: public(String[34])
NAME_PREFIX: constant(String[16]) = 'Curve Vault for '
SYMBOL_PREFIX: constant(String[2]) = 'cv'
allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])
balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
totalSupply: public(uint256)
precision: uint256
def __init__():
@notice Template for Vault implementation
# The contract is made a "normal" template (not blueprint) so that we can get contract address before init
# This is needed if we want to create a rehypothecation dual-market with two vaults
# where vaults are collaterals of each other
self.borrowed_token = ERC20(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001)
def ln_int(_x: uint256) -> int256:
@notice Logarithm ln() function based on log2. Not very gas-efficient but brief
# adapted from:
# and vyper log implementation
# This can be much more optimal but that's not important here
x: uint256 = _x
res: uint256 = 0
for i in range(8):
t: uint256 = 2**(7 - i)
p: uint256 = 2**t
if x >= p * 10**18:
x /= p
res += t * 10**18
d: uint256 = 10**18
for i in range(59): # 18 decimals: math.log2(10**10) == 59.7
if (x >= 2 * 10**18):
res += d
x /= 2
x = x * x / 10**18
d /= 2
# Now res = log2(x)
# ln(x) = log2(x) / log2(e)
return convert(res * 10**18 / 1442695040888963328, int256)
def initialize(
amm_impl: address,
controller_impl: address,
borrowed_token: ERC20,
collateral_token: ERC20,
A: uint256,
fee: uint256,
price_oracle: PriceOracle, # Factory makes from template if needed, deploying with a from_pool()
monetary_policy: address, # Standard monetary policy set in factory
loan_discount: uint256,
liquidation_discount: uint256
) -> (address, address):
@notice Initializer for vaults
@param amm_impl AMM implementation (blueprint)
@param controller_impl Controller implementation (blueprint)
@param borrowed_token Token which is being borrowed
@param collateral_token Token used for collateral
@param A Amplification coefficient: band size is ~1/A
@param fee Fee for swaps in AMM (for ETH markets found to be 0.6%)
@param price_oracle Already initialized price oracle
@param monetary_policy Already initialized monetary policy
@param loan_discount Maximum discount. LTV = sqrt(((A - 1) / A) ** 4) - loan_discount
@param liquidation_discount Liquidation discount. LT = sqrt(((A - 1) / A) ** 4) - liquidation_discount
assert self.borrowed_token.address == empty(address)
self.borrowed_token = borrowed_token
self.collateral_token = collateral_token
self.price_oracle = price_oracle
assert A >= MIN_A and A <= MAX_A, "Wrong A"
assert fee <= MAX_FEE, "Fee too high"
assert fee >= MIN_FEE, "Fee too low"
assert liquidation_discount >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT, "Liquidation discount too low"
assert loan_discount <= MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT, "Loan discount too high"
assert loan_discount > liquidation_discount, "need loan_discount>liquidation_discount"
p: uint256 = price_oracle.price() # This also validates price oracle ABI
assert p > 0
assert price_oracle.price_w() == p
A_ratio: uint256 = 10**18 * A / (A - 1)
borrowed_precision: uint256 = 10**(18 - borrowed_token.decimals())
amm: address = create_from_blueprint(
borrowed_token.address, borrowed_precision,
collateral_token.address, 10**(18 - collateral_token.decimals()),
A, isqrt(A_ratio * 10**18), self.ln_int(A_ratio),
p, fee, ADMIN_FEE, price_oracle.address,
controller: address = create_from_blueprint(
empty(address), monetary_policy, loan_discount, liquidation_discount, amm,
self.amm = AMM(amm)
self.controller = Controller(controller)
self.factory = Factory(msg.sender)
# ERC20 set up
self.precision = borrowed_precision
borrowed_symbol: String[32] = borrowed_token.symbol() = concat(NAME_PREFIX, borrowed_symbol)
# Symbol must be String[32], but we do String[34]. It doesn't affect contracts which read it (they will truncate)
# However this will be changed as soon as Vyper can *properly* manipulate strings
self.symbol = concat(SYMBOL_PREFIX, borrowed_symbol)
self.maxSupply = max_value(uint256)
# No events because it's the only market we would ever create in this contract
return controller, amm
def set_max_supply(max_supply: uint256):
@notice Set maximum depositable supply
assert msg.sender == self.factory.admin() or msg.sender == self.factory.address
self.maxSupply = max_supply
log SetMaxSupply(max_supply)
def borrow_apr() -> uint256:
@notice Borrow APR (annualized and 1e18-based)
return self.amm.rate() * (365 * 86400)
def lend_apr() -> uint256:
@notice Lending APR (annualized and 1e18-based)
debt: uint256 = self.controller.total_debt()
if debt == 0:
return 0
return self.amm.rate() * (365 * 86400) * debt / self._total_assets()
def asset() -> ERC20:
@notice Asset which is the same as borrowed_token
return self.borrowed_token
def _total_assets() -> uint256:
# admin fee should be accounted for here when enabled
return self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address) + self.controller.total_debt()
def totalAssets() -> uint256:
@notice Total assets which can be lent out or be in reserve
return self._total_assets()
def _convert_to_shares(assets: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
_total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
total_assets = self._total_assets()
precision: uint256 = self.precision
numerator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * assets * precision
denominator: uint256 = (total_assets * precision + 1)
if is_floor:
return numerator / denominator
return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
def _convert_to_assets(shares: uint256, is_floor: bool = True,
_total_assets: uint256 = max_value(uint256)) -> uint256:
total_assets: uint256 = _total_assets
if total_assets == max_value(uint256):
total_assets = self._total_assets()
precision: uint256 = self.precision
numerator: uint256 = shares * (total_assets * precision + 1)
denominator: uint256 = (self.totalSupply + DEAD_SHARES) * precision
if is_floor:
return numerator / denominator
return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
def pricePerShare(is_floor: bool = True) -> uint256:
@notice Method which shows how much one pool share costs in asset tokens if they are normalized to 18 decimals
supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
if supply == 0:
return 10**18 / DEAD_SHARES
precision: uint256 = self.precision
numerator: uint256 = 10**18 * (self._total_assets() * precision + 1)
denominator: uint256 = (supply + DEAD_SHARES)
pps: uint256 = 0
if is_floor:
pps = numerator / denominator
pps = (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator
assert pps > 0
return pps
def convertToShares(assets: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Returns the amount of shares which the Vault would exchange for the given amount of shares provided
return self._convert_to_shares(assets)
def convertToAssets(shares: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Returns the amount of assets that the Vault would exchange for the amount of shares provided
return self._convert_to_assets(shares)
def maxDeposit(receiver: address) -> uint256:
@notice Maximum amount of assets which a given user can deposit (inf)
max_supply: uint256 = self.maxSupply
if max_supply == max_value(uint256):
return max_supply
assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
return max(max_supply, assets) - assets
def previewDeposit(assets: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Returns the amount of shares which can be obtained upon depositing assets
return self._convert_to_shares(assets)
def deposit(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Deposit assets in return for whatever number of shares corresponds to the current conditions
@param assets Amount of assets to deposit
@param receiver Receiver of the shares who is optional. If not specified - receiver is the sender
controller: Controller = self.controller
total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
assert total_assets + assets >= MIN_ASSETS, "Need more assets"
assert total_assets + assets <= self.maxSupply, "Supply limit"
to_mint: uint256 = self._convert_to_shares(assets, True, total_assets)
assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, controller.address, assets, default_return_value=True)
self._mint(receiver, to_mint)
log Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, to_mint)
return to_mint
def maxMint(receiver: address) -> uint256:
@notice Return maximum amount of shares which a given user can mint (inf)
max_supply: uint256 = self.maxSupply
if max_supply == max_value(uint256):
return max_supply
assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
return self._convert_to_shares(max(max_supply, assets) - assets)
def previewMint(shares: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Calculate the amount of assets which is needed to exactly mint the given amount of shares
return self._convert_to_assets(shares, False)
def mint(shares: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Mint given amount of shares taking whatever number of assets it requires
@param shares Number of sharess to mint
@param receiver Optional receiver for the shares. If not specified - it's the sender
controller: Controller = self.controller
total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
assets: uint256 = self._convert_to_assets(shares, False, total_assets)
assert total_assets + assets >= MIN_ASSETS, "Need more assets"
assert total_assets + assets <= self.maxSupply, "Supply limit"
assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, controller.address, assets, default_return_value=True)
self._mint(receiver, shares)
log Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, shares)
return assets
def maxWithdraw(owner: address) -> uint256:
@notice Maximum amount of assets which a given user can withdraw. Aware of both user's balance and available liquidity
return min(
def previewWithdraw(assets: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Calculate number of shares which gets burned when withdrawing given amount of asset
assert assets <= self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address)
return self._convert_to_shares(assets, False)
def withdraw(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, owner: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Withdraw given amount of asset and burn the corresponding amount of vault shares
@param assets Amount of assets to withdraw
@param receiver Receiver of the assets (optional, sender if not specified)
@param owner Owner who's shares the caller takes. Only can take those if owner gave the approval to the sender. Optional
total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
assert total_assets - assets >= MIN_ASSETS or total_assets == assets, "Need more assets"
shares: uint256 = self._convert_to_shares(assets, False, total_assets)
if owner != msg.sender:
allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[owner][msg.sender]
if allowance != max_value(uint256):
self._approve(owner, msg.sender, allowance - shares)
controller: Controller = self.controller
self._burn(owner, shares)
assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(controller.address, receiver, assets, default_return_value=True)
log Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares)
return shares
def maxRedeem(owner: address) -> uint256:
@notice Calculate maximum amount of shares which a given user can redeem
return min(
self._convert_to_shares(self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address), False),
def previewRedeem(shares: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Calculate the amount of assets which can be obtained by redeeming the given amount of shares
if self.totalSupply == 0:
assert shares == 0
return 0
assets_to_redeem: uint256 = self._convert_to_assets(shares)
assert assets_to_redeem <= self.borrowed_token.balanceOf(self.controller.address)
return assets_to_redeem
def redeem(shares: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender, owner: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Burn given amount of shares and give corresponding assets to the user
@param shares Amount of shares to burn
@param receiver Optional receiver of the assets
@param owner Optional owner of the shares. Can only redeem if owner gave approval to the sender
if owner != msg.sender:
allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[owner][msg.sender]
if allowance != max_value(uint256):
self._approve(owner, msg.sender, allowance - shares)
total_assets: uint256 = self._total_assets()
assets_to_redeem: uint256 = self._convert_to_assets(shares, True, total_assets)
if total_assets - assets_to_redeem < MIN_ASSETS:
if shares == self.totalSupply:
# This is the last withdrawal, so we can take everything
assets_to_redeem = total_assets
raise "Need more assets"
self._burn(owner, shares)
controller: Controller = self.controller
assert self.borrowed_token.transferFrom(controller.address, receiver, assets_to_redeem, default_return_value=True)
log Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets_to_redeem, shares)
return assets_to_redeem
# ERC20 methods
def _approve(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256):
self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value
log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
def _burn(_from: address, _value: uint256):
self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
self.totalSupply -= _value
log Transfer(_from, empty(address), _value)
def _mint(_to: address, _value: uint256):
self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
self.totalSupply += _value
log Transfer(empty(address), _to, _value)
def _transfer(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256):
assert _to not in [self, empty(address)]
self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
log Transfer(_from, _to, _value)
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Transfer tokens from one account to another.
@dev The caller needs to have an allowance from account `_from` greater than or
equal to the value being transferred. An allowance equal to the uint256 type's
maximum, is considered infinite and does not decrease.
@param _from The account which tokens will be spent from.
@param _to The account which tokens will be sent to.
@param _value The amount of tokens to be transferred.
allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[_from][msg.sender]
if allowance != max_value(uint256):
self._approve(_from, msg.sender, allowance - _value)
self._transfer(_from, _to, _value)
return True
def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Transfer tokens to `_to`.
@param _to The account to transfer tokens to.
@param _value The amount of tokens to transfer.
self._transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value)
return True
def approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Allow `_spender` to transfer up to `_value` amount of tokens from the caller's account.
@dev Non-zero to non-zero approvals are allowed, but should be used cautiously. The methods
increaseAllowance + decreaseAllowance are available to prevent any front-running that
may occur.
@param _spender The account permitted to spend up to `_value` amount of caller's funds.
@param _value The amount of tokens `_spender` is allowed to spend.
self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, _value)
return True
def increaseAllowance(_spender: address, _add_value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Increase the allowance granted to `_spender`.
@dev This function will never overflow, and instead will bound
allowance to MAX_UINT256. This has the potential to grant an
infinite approval.
@param _spender The account to increase the allowance of.
@param _add_value The amount to increase the allowance by.
cached_allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender]
allowance: uint256 = unsafe_add(cached_allowance, _add_value)
# check for an overflow
if allowance < cached_allowance:
allowance = max_value(uint256)
if allowance != cached_allowance:
self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)
return True
def decreaseAllowance(_spender: address, _sub_value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Decrease the allowance granted to `_spender`.
@dev This function will never underflow, and instead will bound
allowance to 0.
@param _spender The account to decrease the allowance of.
@param _sub_value The amount to decrease the allowance by.
cached_allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender]
allowance: uint256 = unsafe_sub(cached_allowance, _sub_value)
# check for an underflow
if cached_allowance < allowance:
allowance = 0
if allowance != cached_allowance:
self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)
return True
def admin() -> address:
return self.factory.admin()