S Price: $0.515829 (+1.83%)

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Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

pragma solidity >=0.8.24 <0.9.0;

import "./PythStructs.sol";
import "./IPythEvents.sol";

/// @title Consume prices from the Pyth Network (https://pyth.network/).
/// @dev Please refer to the guidance at https://docs.pyth.network/documentation/pythnet-price-feeds/best-practices for how to consume prices safely.
/// @author Pyth Data Association
interface IPyth is IPythEvents {
    /// @notice Returns the price of a price feed without any sanity checks.
    /// @dev This function returns the most recent price update in this contract without any recency checks.
    /// This function is unsafe as the returned price update may be arbitrarily far in the past.
    /// Users of this function should check the `publishTime` in the price to ensure that the returned price is
    /// sufficiently recent for their application. If you are considering using this function, it may be
    /// safer / easier to use `getPriceNoOlderThan`.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getPriceUnsafe(
        bytes32 id
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Returns the price that is no older than `age` seconds of the current time.
    /// @dev This function is a sanity-checked version of `getPriceUnsafe` which is useful in
    /// applications that require a sufficiently-recent price. Reverts if the price wasn't updated sufficiently
    /// recently.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getPriceNoOlderThan(
        bytes32 id,
        uint age
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Returns the exponentially-weighted moving average price of a price feed without any sanity checks.
    /// @dev This function returns the same price as `getEmaPrice` in the case where the price is available.
    /// However, if the price is not recent this function returns the latest available price.
    /// The returned price can be from arbitrarily far in the past; this function makes no guarantees that
    /// the returned price is recent or useful for any particular application.
    /// Users of this function should check the `publishTime` in the price to ensure that the returned price is
    /// sufficiently recent for their application. If you are considering using this function, it may be
    /// safer / easier to use either `getEmaPrice` or `getEmaPriceNoOlderThan`.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getEmaPriceUnsafe(
        bytes32 id
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Returns the exponentially-weighted moving average price that is no older than `age` seconds
    /// of the current time.
    /// @dev This function is a sanity-checked version of `getEmaPriceUnsafe` which is useful in
    /// applications that require a sufficiently-recent price. Reverts if the price wasn't updated sufficiently
    /// recently.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getEmaPriceNoOlderThan(
        bytes32 id,
        uint age
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Update price feeds with given update messages.
    /// This method requires the caller to pay a fee in wei; the required fee can be computed by calling
    /// `getUpdateFee` with the length of the `updateData` array.
    /// Prices will be updated if they are more recent than the current stored prices.
    /// The call will succeed even if the update is not the most recent.
    /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    function updatePriceFeeds(bytes[] calldata updateData) external payable;

    /// @notice Wrapper around updatePriceFeeds that rejects fast if a price update is not necessary. A price update is
    /// necessary if the current on-chain publishTime is older than the given publishTime. It relies solely on the
    /// given `publishTimes` for the price feeds and does not read the actual price update publish time within `updateData`.
    /// This method requires the caller to pay a fee in wei; the required fee can be computed by calling
    /// `getUpdateFee` with the length of the `updateData` array.
    /// `priceIds` and `publishTimes` are two arrays with the same size that correspond to senders known publishTime
    /// of each priceId when calling this method. If all of price feeds within `priceIds` have updated and have
    /// a newer or equal publish time than the given publish time, it will reject the transaction to save gas.
    /// Otherwise, it calls updatePriceFeeds method to update the prices.
    /// @dev Reverts if update is not needed or the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @param priceIds Array of price ids.
    /// @param publishTimes Array of publishTimes. `publishTimes[i]` corresponds to known `publishTime` of `priceIds[i]`
    function updatePriceFeedsIfNecessary(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64[] calldata publishTimes
    ) external payable;

    /// @notice Returns the required fee to update an array of price updates.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @return feeAmount The required fee in Wei.
    function getUpdateFee(
        bytes[] calldata updateData
    ) external view returns (uint feeAmount);

    /// @notice Parse `updateData` and return price feeds of the given `priceIds` if they are all published
    /// within `minPublishTime` and `maxPublishTime`.
    /// You can use this method if you want to use a Pyth price at a fixed time and not the most recent price;
    /// otherwise, please consider using `updatePriceFeeds`. This method may store the price updates on-chain, if they
    /// are more recent than the current stored prices.
    /// This method requires the caller to pay a fee in wei; the required fee can be computed by calling
    /// `getUpdateFee` with the length of the `updateData` array.
    /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid or there is
    /// no update for any of the given `priceIds` within the given time range.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @param priceIds Array of price ids.
    /// @param minPublishTime minimum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @param maxPublishTime maximum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @return priceFeeds Array of the price feeds corresponding to the given `priceIds` (with the same order).
    function parsePriceFeedUpdates(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64 minPublishTime,
        uint64 maxPublishTime
    ) external payable returns (PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds);

    /// @notice Similar to `parsePriceFeedUpdates` but ensures the updates returned are
    /// the first updates published in minPublishTime. That is, if there are multiple updates for a given timestamp,
    /// this method will return the first update. This method may store the price updates on-chain, if they
    /// are more recent than the current stored prices.
    /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid or there is
    /// no update for any of the given `priceIds` within the given time range and uniqueness condition.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @param priceIds Array of price ids.
    /// @param minPublishTime minimum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @param maxPublishTime maximum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @return priceFeeds Array of the price feeds corresponding to the given `priceIds` (with the same order).
    function parsePriceFeedUpdatesUnique(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64 minPublishTime,
        uint64 maxPublishTime
    ) external payable returns (PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

pragma solidity >=0.8.24 <0.9.0;

/// @title IPythEvents contains the events that Pyth contract emits.
/// @dev This interface can be used for listening to the updates for off-chain and testing purposes.
interface IPythEvents {
    /// @dev Emitted when the price feed with `id` has received a fresh update.
    /// @param id The Pyth Price Feed ID.
    /// @param publishTime Publish time of the given price update.
    /// @param price Price of the given price update.
    /// @param conf Confidence interval of the given price update.
    event PriceFeedUpdate(
        bytes32 indexed id,
        uint64 publishTime,
        int64 price,
        uint64 conf

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2

pragma solidity >=0.8.24 <0.9.0;

import {PythStructs} from "./PythStructs.sol";
import {IPyth} from "./IPyth.sol";

// This interface is forked from the Zerolend Adapter found here:
// https://github.com/zerolend/pyth-oracles/blob/master/contracts/PythAggregatorV3.sol
// Original license found under licenses/zerolend-pyth-oracles.md

 * @title A port of the ChainlinkAggregatorV3 interface that supports Pyth price feeds
 * @notice This does not store any roundId information on-chain. Please review the code before using this implementation.
 * Users should deploy an instance of this contract to wrap every price feed id that they need to use.
contract PythAggregatorV3 {
    bytes32 public priceId;
    IPyth public pyth;

    constructor(address _pyth, bytes32 _priceId) {
        pyth = IPyth(_pyth);
        priceId = _priceId;

    // Wrapper function to update the underlying Pyth price feeds. Not part of the AggregatorV3 interface but useful.
    function updateFeeds(bytes[] calldata priceUpdateData) public payable {
        // Update the prices to the latest available values and pay the required fee for it. The `priceUpdateData` data
        // should be retrieved from our off-chain Price Service API using the `pyth-evm-js` package.
        // See section "How Pyth Works on EVM Chains" below for more information.
        uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdateData);
        pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: fee}(priceUpdateData);

        // refund remaining eth
        payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");

    function decimals() public view virtual returns (uint8) {
        PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceId);
        return uint8(-1 * int8(price.expo));

    function description() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "A port of a chainlink aggregator powered by pyth network feeds";

    function version() public pure returns (uint256) {
        return 1;

    function latestAnswer() public view virtual returns (int256) {
        PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceId);
        return int256(price.price);

    function latestTimestamp() public view returns (uint256) {
        PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceId);
        return price.publishTime;

    function latestRound() public view returns (uint256) {
        // use timestamp as the round id
        return latestTimestamp();

    function getAnswer(uint256) public view returns (int256) {
        return latestAnswer();

    function getTimestamp(uint256) external view returns (uint256) {
        return latestTimestamp();

    function getRoundData(
        uint80 _roundId
        returns (
            uint80 roundId,
            int256 answer,
            uint256 startedAt,
            uint256 updatedAt,
            uint80 answeredInRound
        PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceId);
        return (

    function latestRoundData()
        returns (
            uint80 roundId,
            int256 answer,
            uint256 startedAt,
            uint256 updatedAt,
            uint80 answeredInRound
        PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceId);
        roundId = uint80(price.publishTime);
        return (

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

pragma solidity >=0.8.24 <0.9.0;

contract PythStructs {
    // A price with a degree of uncertainty, represented as a price +- a confidence interval.
    // The confidence interval roughly corresponds to the standard error of a normal distribution.
    // Both the price and confidence are stored in a fixed-point numeric representation,
    // `x * (10^expo)`, where `expo` is the exponent.
    // Please refer to the documentation at https://docs.pyth.network/documentation/pythnet-price-feeds/best-practices for how
    // to how this price safely.
    struct Price {
        // Price
        int64 price;
        // Confidence interval around the price
        uint64 conf;
        // Price exponent
        int32 expo;
        // Unix timestamp describing when the price was published
        uint publishTime;

    // PriceFeed represents a current aggregate price from pyth publisher feeds.
    struct PriceFeed {
        // The price ID.
        bytes32 id;
        // Latest available price
        Price price;
        // Latest available exponentially-weighted moving average price
        Price emaPrice;

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